Struggling with losing my home

I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to put this. I'm new here.

I'm really struggling ATM and I don't know where to turn to for advice. 

Everything fell apart February last year. Work was putting me under a lot of strain and I ended up having a complete breakdown. I was suicidal. I couldn't sleep I couldn't speak I was just lay in bed all day in my own bubble.

This obviously put a major strain on my relationship with my partner and I have 2 young children who pretty much lost their mother. 

I got help and I was considered as in recovery but in the process of getting to that stage my manager started putting pressure on me to come back to work. Constant phone calls and meetings I wasn't ready for and I made the decision to hand in my notice. It was just dragging me down when I was trying to get better

My job was very toxic but that's another long story

A week after I put my notice in my landlord told us he was selling the house and we need to leave

I then found out I'm autistic. My doctor had suspicions about it and had put me in for an assessment at the beginning of my breakdown and I was diagnosed in October. I'm still struggling with this diagnosis. I wasn't looking for a diagnosis I was looking for a fix and being told you don't need to be fixed is hard for me to understand.

Anyway. I now need to find a new home. I'm not good with change so there's the stress of that but there's also a lot of mess surrounding it

I can't afford a private house in my area now I don't have a job. My current rent is £685 which is just about affordable on my partners wage but private housing has shot up in price in the area and the cheapest is £1300 which is impossible for us

I can't get on the council because my current landlord hasn't given us an s21 and is saying if we move without it he will give us a gift of money (which I don't want) and he is giving us until December so if we don't move out it will be Christmas when I have to deal with court and balifs, which just the idea of having to go through that knocks me sick but I'm trying my best to not let things affect my kids which going through that at Christmas is the one time it will affect them the most.

I can't ask for the s21 earlier because the council say if I ask for it I will be making myself homeless and they won't help me if I do that 

I just want to leave. Being in this house knowing I can't stay is killing my mental health and I can feel myself getting worse. The waiting on it going to court and then the dealing with that when it comes.. its just to much. I can't leave the area because I'd be completely isolated from my support network which I really need right now. Plus the idea of going to a new house is hard enough a whole new area is just to much

I've stopped sleeping again. I feel filled with dread all the time. I just don't know what to do.

Sorry this is long, I don't know what I'm looking for I just feel a mess and needed to reach out to someone who would listen.

  • Hello 91482.

    Well, congratulations....I have listened.  That is what you said you wanted.  That's a win.  I'm not being sarcastic here, I am genuinely and sincerely congratulating you on a win.

    Is it a small win? - yes.....but definitely a win.  You wanted something, did something about it, and got the result you were looking for.

    I read, from what you have written, that you are not in an insurmountable problem here.  You have time.....and a desire to resolve your immediate problem.  Moreover, you already have a 'small win' with which to start a list of 'wins.'

    I think it might be helpful for you to split your 'problem' into two distinct parts; 1) £615/month minimum income requirement. 2) Getting to grips with "yourself" your diagnosis and preceding "fall apart."

    I suspect that, if you tackle part 1 first, part 2 will be easier to achieve.......and from personal experience, I STRONGLY encourage you to start noticing and celebrating the 'wins' , no matter how small, along the way.

    I wish you all the best.


  • You're right it is a win. So thank you for listening.I think just having somewhere to write where its not family or people who can immediately judge me is help in itself

  • too.

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