Mental illness is still massively misunderstood

There is still almost no science behind it and the majority of pscyhiatrists and nurses, GPs too, routinely misdiagnose people.

A lot of people who are considered mentally ill actually have progressive diseases. 

Where are the scientific tests? People visit a psychiatrist and they do not have their brain scanned.

Surely we should be developing psychiatry into a more robust, technically precise science in the same way we progressed physical healthcare from prescribing herbs to the array of devices used today.

  • In former times, the only source for information on all such topics was the Catholic Church, especially in the Medieval era, where frankly, all such knowledge should have remained, viewed through the prism of Traditional Catholic Social Teaching - in more recent times, this knowledge has been hijacked and used for the benefit of the select few, who have misused this knowledge for evil purposes - meanwhile, we have others who simply refuse to understand and use this as an excuse to deny needed funding - later experiments have been horrific and have been proven to have no real other benefit other than to intensify human suffering, such as with happened with the *** - there is a reason why, for a very long time, science and scientific knowledge remained the exclusive preserve of the Catholic Church in the Medieval era and rightly so 

  • In former times, the only source for information on all such topics was the Catholic Church, especially in the Medieval era, where frankly, all such knowledge should have remained, viewed through the prism of Traditional Catholic Social Teaching - in more recent times, this knowledge has been hijacked and used for the benefit of the select few, who have misused this knowledge for evil purposes - meanwhile, we have others who simply refuse to understand and use this as an excuse to deny needed funding - later experiments have been horrific and have been proven to have no real other benefit other than to intensify human suffering, such as with happened with the *** - there is a reason why, for a very long time, science and scientific knowledge remained the exclusive preserve of the Catholic Church in the Medieval era and rightly so 

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