Conspiracy Theory Versus Reality, the final showdown...

- Needs to be postponed for a little while, as the "Defcon level" in one of the ten areas monitored has finally reached 1. A.K.A. "Cocked Pistol ".

At this point, according to my own Prior Planning For Unpleasant Events, I should have a GO bag Packed, a Destination Picked, companions (if any) Ready to GO on an unscheduled 3 week holiday to a southern hemisphere destination.    

I'm close, but need to do more active work because although I'm bonkers enough to consider this sort of stuff ALL THE TIME, I never thought you lot were bonkers enough to allow our leaders to take us to war with effing Russia!! 

The losing side will push the button. 

The other side will reply, and irrespective of who went first, and what "level of strategic attack" we receive, If I don't relocate just in time, I personally will be 800metres outside of the fireball radius. The tricky part is taking my cat's and G/F with me. 

To which end, I have a lapsed pilots licence, just about enough knowledge to start and taxi a DC3, and POSSIBLY (If they've left the documents where I can find them, I never got to actually taxi or fly one, of course, just the normal Volksplanes), enough abilty to get the thing off the ground, IF my O/H realises the gravity of our situation just in time and looks and me and says "Save us".  

And I'd need to be fantastically lucky in a lot of the aspects invloved in nicking someone elses's big aeroplane...  It's not a great plan, is it?

I came up with it in my twenties, it's a big part of why I got pilot and aircraft engineer training and experience, as all I have been able to learn about nuclear war-fighting plans indicate that there will most likely be a significant pause after the first weapon/weapons go off, most likely just long enough to load and steal an aircraft and climb to alititude and get en-route. 

An alternative personal plan for avoiding inconvenient incineration involves persuading whoever it is who has their hands up Rishi-Sunak (or if there is no hidden masters the great man himself) to wind Englands neck back in a bit as far as Russia goes. This is SERIOUS to them, and they are determined and powerful enough to achieve their stated objectives in Ukraine no matter what England does, or does not do in the near future, but our glorius leader (or whoever is really in charge) seem incapable (or uncaring?) of noticing this now obvious inconvenient fact. 

For the avoidance of doubt, The minimal planning I did for a biological attack (which I really thought was unfeasible for obvious reasons, and further doubted my own sanity for even contemplating it, but I had a proper NBC respirator to hand when it looked like 45% of us might die in march 2020, and didn't need to go out and buy bogroll) allowed us to dodge both covid AND (in my case) a lot of injections largely because I knew about UV-C and Vitamin D admittedly and my Christian God, as he often does, came through for me when I really needed it, and changed it into Omnichron which for technical reasons connected with it's uber-virulence and less harmful than designed nature made it impossible to justify puttting the unvaccinated into camps. (horrible paragrah, no time to edit properly, sorry) 

So until they stop talking about conscription and start admitting the actual overwhelming R's kicking the poor Ukrainians have just taken at the urging of Boris Johnston, and how largely inneffectve nato weapons have proven on the whole, except curiously enough, for a couple of british missiles... 

LISTEN. The media told you all about those super Javelin missiles we sent to Ukraine right? How powerful they are and how they never miss. What they DIDN'T tell you is that apart from the fact we sent them a lot out of storage that needed servicing before use by an armourer, so they had technical troubles on many from the start (flat batteries etc) until that got sorted out, then there was another far more serious DESIGN FLAW. 

When the Ukrainian soldier sees a T72 (Easy meat for a Javelin) rolling towards him he picks up his trusty Javelin Tube and makes it "READY TO FIRE". 

Now, shooting a tank is just like taking a photo, which we all know how to do right? You point the camera ot tube at the subject, frame it up nice and press the shutter or the fire button right?  

BUT my camera will take the photo in about 50 milliseconds after I press the trigger, yer poor Ukrainian Javelin operator found his shutter takes 30 SECONDS to be ready to fire!

30 seconds is of course too long to wait in an active war situation, so whilst they are great when they work, the poor sods often simply don't have that 30 seconds to make it "READY TO FIRE" and all those Javelins didn't make much of a difference at all!

The Russians weighed up that super duper patriot system with it's distributed batteries of 32 super duper interceptors and killed it with a single khinzhal missile after first overwhelming it with an attack of cheap drone type missiles to make it deplete all it's ammo before doing it in with the single Khinzhal (IIRC) fired from a nondescript single aeroplane... 

It's become clear to the world and us "detached observers" that the Russians are actually still averagely good at war and diplomacy and we are not so good at it right now...

I do believe we teh average UK public are in a specially dangerous position right now, and I want to use all my "conspiracy theory" time to improve our own odds of survival (if it can be done) rather than trying to "infect others". 

I also have a "normal life" which occupies most of my time, and most of my "preparation planning" was done decades ago, and needs review and updating.   

"I do this so other people don't have to" has been a tongue in cheek description of why I do "prepping". IF Covid had proven super fatal, (as advertised at the start) then I was prepared to have undertaken sterile transport of items under UV light in a semi sealed compartment, and delievery by me wearing a full practical protective gear handing you your externally sterile item in perfect safety for both you and your food parcel. My vehicle actually has a separate handwash station and stowage/active decontamination for the gloves I was going to wear when delivering stuff, when no-one else would.

It did NOT HAPPEN!! 

People like Caelus and everyone else in the delivery business carried on working when I was busily looking after us and making sure we stayed as safe as I could possibly engineer.

Never mind clapping the sauceans for the NHS, I thought, that Evri delivery driver is in danger every single time the door opens and a waft of air comes out of a new house to greet him. And the Postman and all those poor shopkeepers, and guys stacking the bogroll onto the shelves whilst the unprepared idiots are suddenly worried about the cleanliness of their nether regions!

THEY were as much heroes as the NHS people (who at least had some vague idea of how a virus propagates and is inactivated) and you lot were all so darn lucky that the Covid Virus as originally designed "mutated down" so quickly. 

I reckon God did that, myself, but I'm only vaguely aware of some of the tiny details of the whole plan, it's all well above my paygrade, so my "reckoning about what god does" is worth nothing really but it pleases a few people I know, and does no harm.. 

What is worth nothing, is that I've had a lifetime of "pushing my luck"!

I've used this as a technique to obtain the same frisson that my early childhood and largely successful investigations in crime gave me, but without incurring the adverse effects on uninvolved people that crime always inflicts. Motorcycles, Aeroplanes, Driving proper fast and accomplishing it safely, Climbing over things, Going and looking at and into things that I "should not" Workplace conflicts, even a spot of "Rescuing" on occasion, all areas where I've "pushed my luck" and obtained the same frisson that Criminals (if you ever get to converse with one in a normal non-judgemental way will eventually reveal this drive, which is very strong in a few (usually unfortunate) people) get when they break into your house and nick your car keys. 

So, whilst I really, really like it when Debbie and Baked Potato "rise to the bait" and ask me some of the difficult questions (which I wish were being asked on T.V. and in peoples houses) I'm actually staring in horror as my entire country "pushes its luck" simply by MENTIONING "conscription". Even if we get through this by some miracle, unscathed, we are nearly scraping the footrests militarily and politically with Russia right now and the corner really does look to be tightening.. 

FWIW, I've been building up for humourous purposes to trying to write a "Grand Unified Conspiracy theory" for today, (with venn diagrams and a cloud chart thingy etc.) incorproating as much of it as I know especially the known lies and some of my own bull.

For example: I decided the other day, that if David Icke is right and we are actually being led towards a vastly reduced number of us and then perpetual slavery via UBI and CBDC's by shape shifting reptilian beings, then the WEF's sudden insistance that we try mealworms and crickets makes a hell of a lot more sense, than simply doing what we did before but more efficiently.

Total bull, of course, just like the other conspiracy theory that anything WE have done in Ukraine has in any way made the world a better or safer place. 

The only external hope I have is that someone, somewhere, in the corridors of power thinks like I do. 

Even you lot, my fellow Autists don't seem to think like I do!!  

So, I'll have to get back to you on that who pulls the strings question.

At least until they stop pulling on one super dodgy and frayed string of the complicated world that Gonzalo Lira (who recently died in service delivering on his own motto "understand what's going on" and many others have been able to reveal to us in the alternative media. 

The Washington State Journal speaker to the WEF a few days ago publically announced that the mainstream media have "lost domination of the facts". The internet along with a whole heap of rubbish of course, and advertising, and viruses, has become where "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" actually lives now. Of course, all the "isms" that people think about (Including the one that this website gets it name from) get in the way of winnowing out the truth, and make it (mostly) impossible at my ability level, but, well, it's just my hobby. What I really do is casual friendly labour, free of cost repairs, fix my own ailing stuff and look after a house and some cats and another person less well that I'd like to be managing.

But when I see you guys saying "a Labour government wil fix this" and I've been studying how it all really works for fun and profit and personal safety for over four decades now, yeah, I do claim to have a vague idea about what I am hinting about, at the grass roots "Did you know that in 1986 a decision was made to vent thirty tonnes of cool coolant gas from a recently decomissioned nuclear reactor to atmosphere?" level I know stuff.

I've been "watching what's really going on" to the best of my abilty since I realised it was a valuable survival skill all my life, I'm not "scared", but I am going to be busy.. 

If any of you lot want to rise up in mass protest I will make every effort to join in, but it's got to be massive and determined if you are going that route to saving yourself from being "engufed in the fireball" 

I DO so hope I turn out to be embarrassingly, super wrong about my "understanding what's going on", I really, really do.

Just give me a bit of time to post less "defensively" here, and mock me roundly and soundly later when events prove me wrong, or my understanding to be false, or best of all, silly...   

  • another thing you have to think of.... in the future when a nuclear war happens and all our countries get obliterated... the new world that comes from it and all the safe countries... what will they do? what will they become? ... will it be better to perhaps have died in the blast? depends on what world the survivor nations create... will you as a ethnicity of a nuked old war power be persecuted by the survivor states? ... it may be worse surviving than it is just dying in a quick flash for all we know.

    to survive youd have to be a warrior, strong, defiant, willing and able to fight back against any persecution the new world powers will throw at you for being a survivor and remainer from the old destroyed peoples and powers. it may just be as bad..

    maybe a island of our people in the middle of nowhere which is small and unoticed... like that pitcairn islands... but then you have to think how reliant they are on food imports and whether it is self sufficient to live there.

  • In the grand scale of things it's cost me less materially and mentally speaking than for example flying drones has. A lot less. So I'm surprisingly good. 

    For some reason I have always found the idea of being vapurised in a nuclear explosion uniquely offensive, and yes, Ideally I would like to leave before it happens to survive and thrive somewhere else. A simple matter of monitoring the right information and taking action at the appropropriate time. It's complicated by matters of "love", of course.

    The bad side of me also wishes to survive and thrive (even if I get trapped in the post apocalyptic hell-scape) long enough to find a local seat of government bunker, identify the air intake, and and burn a few litres of the commonly available chemical that makes phosgene.Some time later I can find a way in using ANFO (also dead easy to make, if a little more technically difficult to use) and see what cache of supplies they were hoping to live off.   

    I've been living under this particular existential threat quite calmly since 1983, And resentinig it all that time. Nothnig I can do about it of course, that would take a majority of people to feel the way I do and I've found that most people have a very sanguine view of nuclear annhilation.

    I'm part of a disparate group of people who think that afterwards the very people who made it happen should not be allowed to emerge from underground and keep doing the same things to us...

    Peopel talk as if it were the "work of God" rather than a small group of very nasty minded humans who could be stopped if there were more people like me, and less like you.

    And I REALLY don't mean that as a personal insult, it's just (to one of my more often held perspectives) a sad fact.

    I should make that clear.


  • I DO so hope I turn out to be embarrassingly, super wrong about my "understanding what's going on", I really, really do.

    If it is any consolation I think that your fears have been shared time and time again through the years pretty much since the 1940s - fear of invasion, the Cuban missile crisis, innumerable Middle Eastern conflicts, the Cold War, post communism nuclear armed states with tinpot dictators, sabre rattling by Iran, North Korea, the nascent superpower of China and its territorial grabs, approaching civil war in the USA etc.

    The one takeaway from all of this for me has been - stop worrying and enjoy life as you have zero control and only stress yourself by trying to prepare yourself to live in a nightmarish post apocolyptical landscape.

    IF it all goes to hell and nuclear war breaks out, would you really want to live in that horrific environment.

    For me it is a case of accepting my inability to do anything about it and trying to make the most of now while making sensible plans for the next days which in all probability will continue as they have done in spite of the threat for all these decades.

    Your approach is valid but I ask if it is worth the cost mentally and materially.