Private adult ASD assessments

Hi, does anyone have experience of private assessments for adult ASD?

Being in my late sixties I think my chances of an NHS diagnosis before it is too late to matter are minuscule.

I have seen an ad for SEIK who can offer a reasonably quick and affordable assessment, but I don’t know how legitimate these services are?

Any opinions


  • Hi.

    There are quite a number of late diagnosed and late self-diagnosed people on this forum.

    I was diagnosed at 60 via the NHS but outsourced to a private assessment.

    Some have had an NHS diagnosis later than me.

    Have you contacted the GP to ask for a referral?

    I don't know the people you mentioned here but I have seen Psychiatry UK and Shropshire Autonomy mentioned/recommended a few times.

  • I have contacted my GP once, but they are overrun at present. I don't find it easy to go through all the hoops just to talk to someone ,so thought that a quick private self referral might be easier.

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