I don't like the UK

I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think this country is boring and pathetic. There is virtually nothing interesting to do in this country and people vote in poliiticians who make our lives wors.e

  • It's not the best country in the world but it isn't the worst either. We have the NHS, which has its problems but during a life threatening emergency we can use it without having to pay at the time.

    The biggest problem this country has is the clowns running it! 

  • during a life threatening emergency the nhs wont save you in time or good enough.... life threatening you need to go private. im actually terrified of needing the nhs now because i know how incompetent they are and even a basic thing that shouldnt kill you, like a hernia... on the nhs it will most likely kill you...

  • To be fair it's always been a game of chance with any medical procedure as to whether the doctor and circumstances etc. are going to work well,for you, but the odds do seem to have shifted adversely and steadily since the eighties.

    On my last visit to a hospital my bedspace was so filthy that I acquired cleaning materials and did it myself properly before my procedure, in the hope of improving my odds of not catching someone else's infection from what might have been dried bloody sputum on my bedside locker thing...    

    People die mainly in hospital in this country, so they are places to avoid as much as possible.

  • To be fair it's always been a game of chance with any medical procedure as to whether the doctor and circumstances etc. are going to work well,for you, but the odds do seem to have shifted adversely and steadily since the eighties.

    On my last visit to a hospital my bedspace was so filthy that I acquired cleaning materials and did it myself properly before my procedure, in the hope of improving my odds of not catching someone else's infection from what might have been dried bloody sputum on my bedside locker thing...    

    People die mainly in hospital in this country, so they are places to avoid as much as possible.

  • Lol that's terrible. You're in hospital and you have to clean your own room yourself??? Good idea though, better that than end up with an infection. When I've been to hospital I see a lot of people sitting on the floor and I'm just like what are they thinking!? The floor is by far the most infectious place to touch and so many people don't wash their hands.