I don't like the UK

I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think this country is boring and pathetic. There is virtually nothing interesting to do in this country and people vote in poliiticians who make our lives wors.e

  • Agreed.

    It is such a shame because there was great potential. But it's rotting from the inside. Everything is a shambles.

    Incompetent justice system. Health service not fit for purpose. Greedy incompetent government. Bankrupt local councils. Businesses closing every minute of every day. Budget cuts everywhere. Dumb as *** humans everywhere.

    Oh well.

  • And some peoeple think we'll fix it with a labour government!!

    Did we all forget about Bliars Iraq and Browns Bottom?

  • It was a golden age compared to what we have now. The biggest problem is that the current Labour party has followed the tories to the right and Starmer isn't offering anywhere near enough of a change in direction. And we've been dug into such a deep hole in the last decade that fixing it will take multiple terms even for the ideal government. 

  • It was a golden age compared to what we have now. The biggest problem is that the current Labour party has followed the tories to the right and Starmer isn't offering anywhere near enough of a change in direction. And we've been dug into such a deep hole in the last decade that fixing it will take multiple terms even for the ideal government. 

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