I don't like the UK

I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think this country is boring and pathetic. There is virtually nothing interesting to do in this country and people vote in poliiticians who make our lives wors.e

  • Having lived in the U.K. (Manchester) for 21 years, I think that in general terms, the situation here in the U.K., including during Covid, is way better than my native Republic of Ireland - after my last visit to extended family in Rural Ireland on an Irish passport in early December 2019, where my Irish passport renewals before Covid were previously (needlessly) made much more difficult by the Irish government when applying from here in the U.K., I was needlessly prevented as an Irish citizen from returning home to my family in Ireland due to much stricter and longer lasting Irish Covid restrictions compared to the U.K., even though I would use SailRail (Train & Ferry) via Holyhead in Wales to travel home to Ireland, rather than the hassle of flying and air travel, yet U.K. travel disruptions aside, my first visit home in August 2022 was horrifying when passing through Dublin - a subsequent visit home in October 2022 was even worse when passing through Dublin and many of the stories that I’d heard in the media here in the U.K. were confirmed and verified by family and friends in Ireland - this is doubly tragic given our Irish history that our politicians in Ireland are so corrupt and are traitors to the Irish people, yet many of our people still don’t see it due to indoctrination and brainwashing and a large part of this is that most people in Ireland have abandoned their Catholic faith, where the concept of the “fighting Irish” has long gone, it has been bred out of us - it has been a truly heartbreaking experience to see our country slowly disintegrate given the long struggles for Irish freedom in past centuries and it has become very obvious since Covid that most young Irish people now face a very bleak future, that not even emigration is a viable option - in past years, we have had a lot of Polish and Eastern European people living in Ireland but they left Ireland because they very quickly saw the encroaching communism happening, even though they briefly supported the Irish truth and patriot movement 

  • Having lived in the U.K. (Manchester) for 21 years, I think that in general terms, the situation here in the U.K., including during Covid, is way better than my native Republic of Ireland - after my last visit to extended family in Rural Ireland on an Irish passport in early December 2019, where my Irish passport renewals before Covid were previously (needlessly) made much more difficult by the Irish government when applying from here in the U.K., I was needlessly prevented as an Irish citizen from returning home to my family in Ireland due to much stricter and longer lasting Irish Covid restrictions compared to the U.K., even though I would use SailRail (Train & Ferry) via Holyhead in Wales to travel home to Ireland, rather than the hassle of flying and air travel, yet U.K. travel disruptions aside, my first visit home in August 2022 was horrifying when passing through Dublin - a subsequent visit home in October 2022 was even worse when passing through Dublin and many of the stories that I’d heard in the media here in the U.K. were confirmed and verified by family and friends in Ireland - this is doubly tragic given our Irish history that our politicians in Ireland are so corrupt and are traitors to the Irish people, yet many of our people still don’t see it due to indoctrination and brainwashing and a large part of this is that most people in Ireland have abandoned their Catholic faith, where the concept of the “fighting Irish” has long gone, it has been bred out of us - it has been a truly heartbreaking experience to see our country slowly disintegrate given the long struggles for Irish freedom in past centuries and it has become very obvious since Covid that most young Irish people now face a very bleak future, that not even emigration is a viable option - in past years, we have had a lot of Polish and Eastern European people living in Ireland but they left Ireland because they very quickly saw the encroaching communism happening, even though they briefly supported the Irish truth and patriot movement 
