Petition to withdraw the harmful school attendance campaign

Hi neurokin!

Following on from our recent discussion about the government’s harmful school attendance campaign, I have found a petition that asks the Department of Education to withdraw it.

You may be interested, if you feel as passionate about the harm that this campaign causes as I do:

Thanks! This is so important as we know the consequences of forced school attendance on our younger neurokin.

  • I'll sign that. The wider focus, frankly, is for the general election and we can finally be done with the Conservatives.

    That's the only way to address these disgusting inequalities. The Tories have shown time and time again they do not care about anything except themselves and maintaining their wealth and power. 

  • I'll sign that. The wider focus, frankly, is for the general election and we can finally be done with the Conservatives.

    That's the only way to address these disgusting inequalities. The Tories have shown time and time again they do not care about anything except themselves and maintaining their wealth and power. 

  • Thanks for your reply!

     I don’t know much about politics but I do that recently the conservatives have caused a lot of harm to minority groups including the trans community, disabled and neurodivergent people.

    In particular, the recent decision to withdraw the Minister for Disabled People is very worrying.