Waking up dysregulated

Hello anyone,

Quick question - do you wake up most days feeling dysregulated, like so off balance that you immediately have to head to stimming and protective/regulatory behaviours to be able to navigate the start of the day?  I'm getting this a lot at the moment.  Luckily, the insomnia means I'm up early enough that it doesn't necessarily impact work, although it's still a struggle to be on time.

Still trying to figure out the various way my ASC manifests since the diagnosis last July.

  • Good morning.

    Yes.....but I just call it "waking up"!

    Changing from one state of being (asleep) to another state (awake) naturally comes with some necessary adjustments for the mind and body.  I would imagine this is pretty universal for many/most and is not asd connected.....but who knows....

    I hope you have a constructive and restful Sunday.

    Kind regards
