Autistic metl down has lead to the school ringing the police

Hi everyone. I am new to this form room. But i am look on for some advice and some idea of what ro expect.

So some backgrounf 1st. 

My son is 13 yrs old been dingonsed austic since he was 4. It has come to light that he has the PDA profile of ASD. Anyway so hes been going to his SEN school since he was in year 2 as he couldnt mainstream. The school has been brittant he had thrived and they have supported him amazingly. Hes have a few little things happend as to be expacted. But been good in the long term. Fastward to the start of year 8 (hes i. Year 8 now) he has a new teacher who jusy quaifed as a teacher. Shebhas changed the whole class as to what they all were use to. As the old teacher was gona fallow on but had to leave due to personal reason. So this new teacher doesnt know the children and by the sounds of it hasnt tried. 

So since the start of rhe year ive had phone calls nearlu every week. For one reason or another. His not listening, his wont stop moving (waiting for ADHD assement) hes fidgeting. Hes answaring back. Ect. Shed asked how i deal with him as home and how i get him to sit still, i dont i say he can fidget as much as he likes as it helps him. At home wr follow P.a.n.d.a and it wokrs 90% of the time. I told this and said it was also what her predesser used as well. So sent her all the information ect. She did it for a few weeks and said your right it works. Comes to novermber and the phone calls start again with the same thing. I talk to my son and say just try to listen and try to stop with the back chat. (But again hes a 13 year weve all back chatted before at that age) he doe have EHC which states how to handled him and how to keep him base line and what to do in a meltdown situation. Which is stop all cummication and remove him to a safe place or you selfs till him calms.

Again fast foward to this week. He been a little stressed at school due to everything and him coming home saying he feels the teacher his targeting him, and wont allow him to self regulate the he needs to, so obs i tried talking to the teacher again all i got was that yes he can self regulated but not in a distrating way. So no figeting and no resting head on table to chill. Tried to tell her but she didnt listen. So this has made him very stress. He got told to go out of the class as he distrarting the class by moving a chair out of the way. So he goes out waits a bit then goes to ask if he can come back in yet, as hes asking hes leading on the door frame and it brakes. So they say im gona be charged he shoudlnt of broke it. So hes gettinf stressed, trying to explain to them (when hes stressed hes not the best the cummcaters) they dont listen, dont see the sing thats hes going into crisies and carry on talking to him. Now he blows and meltdowns and it doing he does make a mistake and has his hand the teacher. When he relased he let go. (Ive seen the teacher no mark on her so it wasnt hard enough or longer enought to cause harm) and cried couse he know hes done wrong and is upset that hes hurt someone.

The school deside to surspend him for the rest of the day and the following day. Which i support, and grounded him for it as he cant hurt people in that way and need to be accounable for his actions. Hes sorry really sorry. And understand the Consequences and what could have happend. 

So thrusday we go back into school for a return to school meeting, talk it out say what steps need to be taken to pervent it from happening again. The women i spoke to was happy with him and his understaning and also said that she know hes not normaly like this.  He has an ok day in school

I take him to his class he give his teacher he hurt an sorrg card and that teacher says to him "thank you, im glad your back, school been boreding with out you"

Yesterday i get a phone call of the dep head, saying this is a call out of Courtesy to let you know that the teacher has informed the poilce today of the incendt, so they may want to talk to him, either at home or at school.  As hes not showing changing his still refusing to do somework, and not listen. And braging to his mates. Now i asked what do you mean bragging to his mates she like when his telling them why he was not in school. I tell him off for this and his respons was they ask why i wasnt in so i just told why i wasnt bragging.  Ive asked for meeting again as this has been his worse year in school and something is going on and their nor meeting his needa as if they wore his wouldnt of gone into crisis.

Sorry for the long post. Any advice on what to exspect for the poilce would be greatfull as hes never had them involed before.  Me ans hubby are also on the fence of homeschooling him if they can no longer meet his needs.

Thanks in advance