Child assessment

Hey everyone 

I’m just after some information if any parents out there can relate or have experienced the following?

My 9yr old has been referred to the community paediatrician for an assessment, at the time the Gp told us 6-12 months waiting in our local area. I managed to track down who the assessment would be with and contacted them directly and they told me 2-3 years.

The problem with this is that the school won’t really offer much support (even though he doesn’t need much) as he’s undiagnosed. We are looking at a private assessment through a colleague of my sons therapist.

My problem with a private assessment is I have been told that they are not recognised and therefore it gets him very little as in support.

I am so conscious that in 2-3 years time he will be transitioning to secondary school and that’s if he is even attending school by then.

Is there another way of getting a private assessment and it being done by a NHS registered assessor?

Really stuck on this one as my little boy is struggling with his anxiety and life seems so hard for him. 

Thank you for reading