What happens in an adult autism assessment?


I have booked for a referal for an adult autism assessment on the 25th of January this year.

If I do get the referal, I would like to prepare myself.

What happens during an adult autism assessment?

In regards to things I will be asked to do, or things that I will be asked to tell them.



  • I was assessed in person by the NHS in October. I spent 3.5 hours answering questions about my routines, sensory differences and social difficulties, both now and when I was a child. We took a fiver minute break halfway through. At the end I was told I'm autistic. Three months later I received a report and an invitation for a follow up appointment.

  • You got the result straight away? Lucky you!

    I had to wait a few weeks, which was incredibly difficult. During that period I had to hold two different versions of myself in my head, two different pasts and two different futures, not knowing which was real.

  • That is how I feel right now. I wish I could have a chromosome test or a brain scan to tell me. I fear I will never know if my autistic traits are due to biology, or my social isolation as a result of medical problems in childhood. This is what the assessment will aim to find out, I hope I am given enough time to talk through it properly.

  • That is how I feel right now. I wish I could have a chromosome test or a brain scan to tell me. I fear I will never know if my autistic traits are due to biology, or my social isolation as a result of medical problems in childhood. This is what the assessment will aim to find out, I hope I am given enough time to talk through it properly.

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