Funny things


I just wanted to share this with you all as it tickled me.

My autistic son who’s 9 keeps asking if we can buy a manikin. He says it will be like having a friend at our house all the time. 
Just to mention he does have a small group of friends so I don’t really think it’s because he doesn’t have any. 
He does laugh about it when we discuss it. 
Has anyone else ever heard of this or had any experiences? 

  • Developing an emotional rapport with an object is not unusual actually for autistic people.  My childhood panda bear was perhaps more conventional than a manikin, but he was my best friend and I did ascribe human feeling to him.  Every time my mother washed him and pegged him on the line by his ears, I stood stock still under it fretting the pegs were hurting his ears until he was dry and back in my arms.

    He still sleeps in my bed even though I'm 58.

  • Developing an emotional rapport with an object is not unusual actually for autistic people.  My childhood panda bear was perhaps more conventional than a manikin, but he was my best friend and I did ascribe human feeling to him.  Every time my mother washed him and pegged him on the line by his ears, I stood stock still under it fretting the pegs were hurting his ears until he was dry and back in my arms.

    He still sleeps in my bed even though I'm 58.

  • Nice story. 

    Thank you for sharing. I’m more than happy for him to have a manikin, bless him I just thought they are not that cuddly are they?

    I don’t really have a attachment to an object accept a shoe lace which I use for a belt (I hate belts for some reason) I’ve had this shoe lace for probably 10 years and would be devastated if I lost it.