Which Harry Potter character would you be and why?

Hay this is for all you potter heads out there which Harry Potter character would you be and why? 

I would be Dumbeldor as I have made many mistakes in the past and I still regret them find it hard to forgive myself for all the bad I have done wrong. I may not be as wise as Dumbeldor but we both have our regrets his because of the death of his sister and the choices he had to make with Harry Potter and Voldermort and me just with the mistakes I have made in the past. 

  • I was too old for Harry Potter, but then recently my little niece has become obsessed with it and she has given me the perfect excuse to watch them all.

    I think I see myself as Sirius Black. 

  • Luna Lovegood. 

    Because I can relate to her. She's in her own little world (where I prefer to be, in my own little fantasy world, my own  reality is far too difficult) and she just gets on in life. 

    (Something I'm trying hard to do). X

  • I really wish he and Tonks had survived in the battle of Hogwarts. I liked their characters.

  • Hermione because she doesn't want to be popular or blend in, she's just happy as she is and she enjoys the things she enjoys despite what others think. I think she's a really inspiring character and one I definitely aspire to be like :) 

  • I love Fred and George. They remind me of my brother, he's funny and a bit of a joker as well.

  •  Joy  "ridiculous"

  • I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. 

  • Probably, Professor Lupin.

    I am a night dweller (but not a werewolf) and a lot of his personality mirrors my own.

  • id say shes very likely matching schizoaffective descriptor

  • A few people have told me I remind them of Luna Lovegood....I'll take it as a compliment as she is a clever (likely) neurodiverse Ravenclaw!! 

  • I would bifucate into  - Fred and George Weasley, magical pranksters!

  • As I understand it, Neville killed the penultimate fragment of Voldemort's soul in Nagini, the final horcrux. Leaving only the fragment of soul still resident in Voldemort's body. So Neville allowed Voldemort to be killed, but Harry actually killed him by destroying Voldemort's body and thus the final part of Voldemort's soul.

  • Also Neville grew stronger and became the chosen one that was one hell of a twist he killed Voldemort not Harry 

  • I'd want to be Neville because he's sort of quiet and awkward, very much like me, but he's also willing to help out when he can. I always really liked his character, I could relate to him and as a quiet and awkward kid that really inspired me and made me feel 'normal'.

  • voldermort....

    because think on it.... if you can be voldermort you have pretty much fixed the entire worlds problems.... as voldermort you can just announce yourself to be good and no longer doing bad stuff... then be accepted by the wizard society as a good person, which they will have to do because they didnt seem at all capable of stopping voldermort so theyd gladly accept you as voldermort declaring yourself a good and decent member of society... then you will be the greatest wizard, higher than dumbledor in society.... youd likely have to do some good things and do stuff for society to right past wrongs done by voldermort historically and some will never trust or like you, but thats no biggie as you can never get everyone to like you anyway as anyone...

    you can probably use his cult thing and turn it into a business or a institution to do whatever change you want to do. eventually people will be won over by you anyway with any good change you make on the world. you can do pr opportunities with harry, you can likely make a new school competing with hogwarts. and with the change of that character you can probably bring the wizarding world and the muggle world closer together and perhaps break the need for secrecy seeing as voldy and his cult was the main anti-muggle group... with you as him and changing him to be good you can merge the 2 societies better and as voldy you can capitalise on that and be the face of that global change, while also making business opportunity out of it and being in position to make the most money out of whatever cross muggle-wizard trade there can be.

  • Never read a Harry Potter book or seen a film.

  • I feel like Dobby most of the time!

  • Ron Weasley, I'm a natural lieutenant, rather than a leader. I once, many years ago, almost literally bumped into Rupert Grint in Albufeira, Portugal. I was so surprised, I blurted out "Rupert Grint!", he turned round and smiled. I was with my two kids, about 12 and 9 at the time and both big Harry Potter fans. It made their holiday.

  • luna, she was always the character who wanted to blend into the background