Can anyone explain vaping to me?

I smoked for a couple of months once but gave it up because I'm hopeless at lighting cigarettes without them snuffing out. I bought a vape once and couldn't get it to work. So I went to another supermarket and asked the young person serving me if they knew how to set it up and if I bought it, could they do it. And they did. I opened it and they showed me how to use it. But I couldn't figure out how many times you're supposed to vape on it as compared to a cigarette. With a cigarette it burns out but the vape keeps going on, so how do I know the right amount to vape?

  • So, vaping, huh? It's basically like inhaling flavored vapor from a device, kinda like a geekbar but with more options. Instead of smoke, you get this mist that's supposed to be less harsh than cigarettes. Some people do it for the flavors, others to chill out. It's trendy but has mixed opinions 'cause of health stuff. If you're curious, maybe try asking at a vape shop—they usually have folks who can explain it without the sales pitch

  • I tried vaping once but I never liked it. Soon after my dad died, I packed up the cigarettes altogether. Been clean since 2016 and I have no desire to go back :) 

  • "Can anyone explain vaping to me?" Yes, it is the result of a partially repressed desire to be a steam engine. 

  • Just mentioning for anyone not heard of them there are now nicotine pouches which young people are experimenting with. They can result in nicotine poisoning which can have frightening side effects as equivalent to many cigarettes all at once 

  • You take a few hits whenever you feel the need for nicotine, and you regulate the number of hits according to your nicotine requirement. However, if vaping is new to you and you find it challenging, I recommend you try disposable vapes. This thing does not need to be charged or refiled. They have limited puffs, and you throw the vape after they finish. That's it. This will be an excellent introduction to vaping for you and give you an understanding of how it works. I still use disposable vapes. Try disposable vapes. It will be much easier for you. You can get SpaceMax BX8000, which is the vape I use.

  • How does it make you feel? Do you feel addicted to it?

  • I depends what you are vaping...

    If you've been tempted to try cannabis, ONE small toot on a decent vape should be enough...

    The same part of my mind that recoils from aspartame also doesn't like propylene gycol (the active ingredient in vapes that generates the "fogging" or vape effect) so I don't. 

  • Vaping is good to help stop smoking but its not something you want to start if you arent using it for that reason. People at my school vape at higher than 0 nicotine and they didnt do it to stop smoking. They do it to be "cool" and all of them have terrible grades and get in trouble a lot. It can increase anxiety and depression too

  • People say vaping isnt as harmful as cigarettes but thats not true.

    Sorry, but what evidence do you have to back your claim up?

    I was a smoker for ~30 years and managed to quit tobacco by using vapes and I continue to vape (@ 0 nicotine). I feel so much better, fitter, healthier. I'm also much better off financially and my clothes don't stink of stale cigarette smoke.

    Sure the best thing is to not smoke or vape, but for some of us vaping is the lesser of 2 evils.

  • Yeh vaping is not good for you there are no health benefits from it. Same goes for alcohol it doesn’t serve any meaningful beneficial purpose in life. Arguably same for drugs too (medical drugs are alright I guess). Just my opinion. 

  • It's best not to start. Once you start it's really difficult to stop and the harmful health effects it has on your body are not worth it. Stay as you are, you're much better off without itBlush

  • I really wouldnt try to get into vaping, especially if you are having a hard time mentally already. People say vaping isnt as harmful as cigarettes but thats not true.