Should there be accountability for inequality?

Does society have a duty to account for unequal outcomes in income, health, relationship success and happiness?

  • Does society have a duty to account for unequal outcomes in income, health, relationship success and happiness?

    What do you mean by 'account for'?

    If you mean should society as a whole do its best to equalise opportunities for others, then that's the socialist viewpoint and I would say 'yes'.

    Here is a definition of socialism -v- capitalism.

    I think that our society has over the decades, with varying success, been one of the best ones at this.

    There is horrendous inequality in other countries in the world.

    I think that we should as individuals take some responsibility too by, say, giving to charities where we can.

    That's all down to individuals though and a lot of people aren't concerned with society as a whole but rather with their own family unit.

    You have given 4 areas and what others can do with regard to each area varies.

    Income - we are a country with minimum wage and social support which is a lot more than some other countries have.

    However, a lot more could be done by this capitalist government to help the most vulnerable, if there was a will, which there isn't.

    Health - we are blessed with the NHS and should treat it as a precious jewel.

    It is however grossly underfunded and being privatised by stealth.

    A lot of things impact health too, such as poverty, so there is a strong tie-in there.

    Happiness - I don't think society can do that much to make people happy apart from ensuring we have the necessities of life, which of course vary from person to person.

    Relationship success - mmm ... that's a really tricky one.

    In the 'old days' a woman would be married off to a man, whether she wanted him or not, whether she was gay or not, and that still happens in some countries/cultures.

    I don't think I want society to put it's sticky fingers into my relationship pie.

    I could say vastly more but I'm holding back.

    I'd appreciate a qualification of what you mean by 'society' (everyone, government?) and 'account for' (take responsibility for?).

    Just think where we were before our socialist governments ((Liberal)/Labour) created the NHS and the welfare state.

  • In retrospect I’m slightly jealous of cultures which have arranged marriages. It would have helped me massively.

  • Working in a predominately female domain, I actually miss male colleagues. The banter is usually better and they don't bore me with pictures of their kids. 

  • Sure you hear about these places in the 70s where offices had nude calendas on the wall

    I worked in a large power company for around 6 months in 1999 and our IT support office was staffed entirely by women. They had smutty male calendars on the wall of their office. Possibly trying to make a statement but we all took it in good fun.

  • haven't been very good at maintaining friendships, and friends have 'dropped' me

    This seems to be a very common autistic experience.

  • I made all my adulthood “friends” via work but I think by masking I was giving them a false understanding of me and that prevented the friendships from deepening.

    Now that's a different point, and a very interesting one.

    I haven't been very good at maintaining friendships, and friends have 'dropped' me, and you may well have pinpointed why Thinking

  • I made all my adulthood “friends” via work but I think by masking I was giving them a false understanding of me and that prevented the friendships from deepening.

  • I've never even made a friend through work. It a place I feel I need to mask in and I don't think you can realy make a friend much less find a girlfriend while masking.

    You can.

    By masking you appear more 'normal' so therefore more attractive to 'normies'.

    That's been my lifelong experience.

    I've made practically all my (few) friends + relationships through work, albeit sometimes by friends of acquaintances.

    I think for me to have a work place I didn't need to mask all the the politically corect watch your language culture would have to go. Sure you hear about these places in the 70s where offices had nude calendas on the wall and smuty inuendo was the normal coffee break banter. Maybe in a place like that I could mask a little less but not in this modern 'sensativity' culture. Because I can't be sensative and be myself

    I don't think this is to do with masking.

    I think it's simply to do with culture having changed (improved) over the years and you don't fit in to the modern culture.

    Is that really an autistic thing or is it just aligned to your values?

    Masking is masking autism, not whether or not  you are a 1970s man re-born.

  • Which sadly removes one avenue by which a huge number of people used to meet their partners

  • No it's the fact that sexual harasment laws were toughened up making employers responsable for employees actions. To some extent it good. But it failed to adress that there are lots of border line cases where someone unintentionaly makes someone else feel harrased. The law doesn't play well with grey areas and corperate lawers want to offer buisnesses certainty. So an if there is smoke there is fire aproch to these bordeline cases is too often adopted.

    So frankly employers would rather their employees just not have relationships with each other. Of course tryng to ban that would usually be overreach and could get them in trouble too. So instead they just come down realy hard on any aligations of sexual harasment even if they look like minor incidents caused by honest mistakes.

  • No it's the fact that sexual harasment laws were toughened up making employers responsable for employees actions. To some extent it good. But it failed to adress that there are lots of border line cases where someone unintentionaly makes someone else feel harrased. The law doesn't play well with grey areas and corperate lawers want to offer buisnesses certainty. So an if there is smoke there is fire aproch to these bordeline cases is too often adopted.

    So frankly employers would rather their employees just not have relationships with each other. Of course tryng to ban that would usually be overreach and could get them in trouble too. So instead they just come down realy hard on any aligations of sexual harasment even if they look like minor incidents caused by honest mistakes.
