Female, 25, with OCD - possible autism?


My name is Jayde. I am female woman, 25 years old.

I am struggling how to word this, I have re-written this about four times now.

I spent much of my childhood in hospital - with medical health conditions. I struggled to and continue to struggle to engage socially with people. At 19, I was diagnosed with OCD, depression and anxiety.

Despite being on medication and going to therapy, I still struggle with social communication. I only appear to be able to talk about a limited range of topics that interest me, and struggle with other conversations, according to my mother who gets angry with me. I only seem to engage properly in social interactions when the other person in the conversation is autistic. I appear to behave in similar ways to the other people who are autistic, particularly other women.

This leads me to believe that my social difficulties are not only because of the medical childhood and the OCD.

I would like the opportunity to discuss this further with an appropriate professional, who is understanding of female autism.

I would like to go to my GP to ask for referal, but I am worried about it. I haven't gone to the doctors without my parents before and I am also worried to ask them to help me with this.

I am not sure if I can outline my experiences here for people to support me with, since the rules stated that you "should not provide medical or legal advice to other users. "

If anybody has any support and advice on what I could do, I would be appreciative of the help.



  • My advice would be to take some online autism tests. AQ10 and AQ50 (sometimes called just 'AQ') are the most commonly used by clinicians in this country, but the RAADS-R is the most definitive. They can be found here: embrace-autism.com/.../
    If you score in the autism range it will give you more certainty about following up on a diagnosis.

  • I have completed these.

    AQ10 - Threshold above 6  - I scored 10 / 10

    AQ  - Theshold above 26 - I scored 38 / 50

    EQ - Threshold below 30  - 8 / 80

    SQ-R -  Theshold above 75 - 117 / 150

    RAADS-R - Threshold above 65 - 174 / 240

    Aspie Quiz - 110 / 200 (75% chance of being autistic)

    CATQ - Threshold above 100 - 92 / 175

    The Aspie Quiz doesn't have a threshold.

    I scored above threshold in AQ10, AQ, EQ, SQ-R, RAADS-R.

    I scored below threshold in CATQ

  • Right, you seem to already have the answer to your question.

  • I can understand that. The people I communicate best with are austistic.

    Thank-you for helping me tonight, Martin. I will definitly go about asking for a referal for diagnosis and getting together the resources I need for that.

    It is 10pm now, I have to sign off.

  • I can understand that. The people I communicate best with are austistic.

    Thank-you for helping me tonight, Martin. I will definitly go about asking for a referal for diagnosis and getting together the resources I need for that.

    It is 10pm now, I have to sign off.
