How do you know if a woman likes you?

I go into a local supermarket and buy rum and vodka there most days. The cleaner has seen me a few times and the other day she was cleaning behind one of the tills. I was queueing up and because she was behind one of the tills and I couldn't see her cleaning cloth I thought she was a cashier and looked over to see if  the till was open. She turned her head and looked at me. I turned my head away again and kept in the queue. Then she stood a bit to the side and looked at me for a while and smiled when I got to the front of the queue, it wasn't just a quick glance, there was something there. But I don't know if it was romantic interest or just that she found it amusing I was buying two bottles of rum. Anyone have any thoughts?

Parents Reply
  • I know small talk really isn't our trhing, but how about next time you see her, simply say "Hi, how are you doing".

    Even a simple hello can give indications as to whether he other person is interested.

    Maybe try that and nothing more unless she inititiates a conversation. Then do the same teh next time and so on.

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