Late diagnosed - are we over analysing what we do?

Are we over thinking our reactions behaviours ect. after masking for so long? I dont think i thought about my behaviour ect. so much before i discovered that i was autistic. I know that i am not masking as much as i was, and it feels good. My contact with people is limited from choice, and im ok with that. I think that its realising i dont have to be with people, if i dont want to be. 

  • The concept of “overthinking” is the same as telling an autistic person that they “don’t understand that they are wrong” by default regardless of the situation and may be considered by some as offensive and insulting - we must be very careful about using such terms like “overthinking” as it is feeding into discrimatory and prejudice-based

    I absolutely agree! We don’t over think, we just have naturally analytical and monotropic thought processes!

  • It’s the same as saying “over-analyse” and it feeds into bullying attitudes and behaviour from bullying Karens and Kevins with bullying, prejudiced attitudes and mindsets who believe and maintain that just like all other mental health issues, autism is nonsense that can be “cured” by ultra strict discipline and especially by corporal punishment 

  • It’s the same as saying “over-analyse” and it feeds into bullying attitudes and behaviour from bullying Karens and Kevins with bullying, prejudiced attitudes and mindsets who believe and maintain that just like all other mental health issues, autism is nonsense that can be “cured” by ultra strict discipline and especially by corporal punishment 

    Yes I completely agree.

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