Creating an online autistic community- not NAS based

Hi neurokin! I have just been thinking about how we could create another virtual autistic community that is not NAS based and therefore entirely autistic led.

I know there are many other autistic communities online for example on Reddit, Facebook and Twitter but I am not sure these types of communities allow for the depths of discussions we have here.

I would like to keep some of the topics we have in this community but also include others. These could be: Dedicated interests, Autistic Joy, Self care, Work and Employment and any others that you would be interested in.

Who would be interested in this?

Does anyone know how to start building an online community platform?

Thank you!

  • I quite like the idea of another community that isn't based on social media, as I don't have any social media accounts and don't intend to. However being very monotropic I do prefer one thing at a time and am not sure I have the bandwidth to use another forum in addition to this one.

    I believe there are various free forums available such as the ProBoards one mentioned above. I've used that in the past in relation to one of my interests and it seems to work quite well.

    Setting up the platform is probably going to be the relatively straightforward part. It's the ongoing moderation that will be more difficult.

  • Hi I have just tried using Proboards and it asks you to describe the forum category but known of the categories listed are relevant!

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