A rant on cars

I think it's stupid that we have cars. They're a massive waste of money. They make public spaces less accessible. It's harder for children to play on the street or to walk where you want to go. They've led to high streets becoming more empty as cars go to large out-of-town supermarkets.

Sometimes people die in car crashes, needlessly, leaving families devestated. 

People who can't drive are discriminated against. We have to rely on infrequent bus and rail services that are sometimes overpriced.

All the money spent on buying a car, the insurance, MOT, tax, maintenance and repairs, petrol, imagine what that money could do if those cars weren't there. It would give people money to spend on building better buildings, facilities, public transport, social services, healthcare, education.

  • I've never owned a car and tend to walk everywhere. Or use public transport. The expense of cars is too high alongside the housing crisis, low wages, and general cost of living crisis (capitalism on a total blinder these days!). 

    I agree, cars are idiotic and need phasing out. Certainly with something more environmentally friendly (cue the eye-rolling from anyone who reads tabloids). But we need to be protecting our health and the planet, with all these cars hurtling around pelting out toxic fumes it's no wonder so many illnesses are on the up.

    EVs are one solution and will help, but the Tories just backed out their green initiative on that (huge surprise).

    The problem right now is far too many people, particularly the older generations, have come to view car ownership as an inherent birth right. Rather than the occasional luxury it should be. 

    And businesses are also too heavily reliant on it. Ridiculously, even the ones where working from home should be the norm. But the anti-WFH propaganda from the Tories has led to a surge of people returning to the office in their cars etc. Despite not investing in proper road infrastructures, which is why it's so horrible travelling anywhere long distance by car these days.

    It's a mess and it's been allowed to be blown out of all proportions. And it won't be addressed, sadly. In 10 years time people will drive straight out of their garage into a traffic jam. 

  • I agree with this and the OP.

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