I just realised my GP filled out my Autism assessment referral incorrectly

I posted a while ago feeling dismayed that I was rejected an Autism assessment through the NHS, especially since I can't afford a private assessment. Today, I idly checked my medical record to see if anything had been updated in it and curiously looked at the form my GP filled out for me, only to discover most of my answers hadn't been filled out, had been left blank, and most of my answers implied "no" I didn't have ASD. No wonder I didn't get referred!

I don't know what to do now. I know I *should* go back and get a re-referral but I've been fighting for support for years and years and I am tired of it. I'm 25 now and I've been trying to get taken seriously for over a decade. I've emailed charities for help, I've had consultations with multiple GPs. And every time I have to do something like this I get panic attacks and don't sleep for several days before having to communicate with whoever it is. Usually I get belittled, ignored, no responded to, not getting phoned back, etc. I'm exhausted of fighting.

Has anyone else had similar situations? What did you do?


Bonkasaurus :)

  • Whenever we have an issue with our GP surgery (quite often!) we always email them. That then gives evidence / proof that you can later use if making a formal complaint.

  • Stupid doctor! How about emailing the doctor via the surgery and providing your own account in relation to each question? Stating that you have gained access to the referral and that you notice blank bits and incorrect information and would he or she kindly refer again with the correct information. If you still dont get anywhere consider making reference to the NICE guidlines about referring on for assessment 

    I much prefer email or letter. Its less overwhelming for me.

    You could keep going back to your email when you feel able to deal with it. Or write to the doctor, explaining how you feel. 

    I understand your frustration and have experienced similar over the years. It is so stressful. Dont give up, but pick your moments when you feel able to deal with it x

  • Not related to my ASD assessment, but regarding a medical report needed for my works income protection scheme. The inusrance company requested a report from my GP relating to an ongoing issue with severe fatigue (sometinmg that started straight after my covid vaccination).

    I had to grant permission for the report to be requested, and fortunately I ticked the box saying that I wanted to see the report before the surgery sent it to the insurance company.

    When I read the report I found plenty of errors and omissions. My own GP even misreported the medications that I am on.
    Of course, I did not sign off on the report and instead sent an email to the surgery manager.

    The report was re-written after 2 weeks and whilst not perfect (~99% accurancy) I did sign it off.

    I would strongly advise that you follow up on your referral. Mayeb start by contacting your surgery manager.