
I found the meme below the other day and it occurred to me that I do have a habit of talking to inanimate objects and treating them like they are sentient beings.

It never occurred to me that this might be an autistic thing though. Do you do this?

  • To me objects only feel inanimate when there has been no interaction with them by animals or plants. The strip of tarmac outside my house feels inanimate but my house doesn’t, as if the humans and other creatures that live there lend it some of their spirit and leave their trace. When I walk into a church I can feel the history, the people who have prayed there. When I pick up a old tool it’s like I can feel the experience of my father and grandfather who used it previously.

    Odd that I should feel like this? Maybe. But still real. 

  •  Not odd at all, I feel the same way.

    My elderly neighbour across the road from me went into a care home recently and the house she raised her family in is lying empty. 

    I can’t help imagining the house itself is sad and grieving.

  • Houses definately hold the memories of the people who lived there and I often feel that they're sad for not being a happy home anymore and happy when they're bought by new owners and redecorated and restored. I feel sorry for empty houses at xmas when they're the only one in the street undecorated.

  • Houses definately hold the memories of the people who lived there and I often feel that they're sad for not being a happy home anymore and happy when they're bought by new owners and redecorated and restored. I feel sorry for empty houses at xmas when they're the only one in the street undecorated.

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