
I found the meme below the other day and it occurred to me that I do have a habit of talking to inanimate objects and treating them like they are sentient beings.

It never occurred to me that this might be an autistic thing though. Do you do this?

  • I do have a habit of talking to inanimate objects and treating them like they are sentient beings

    It's never really occurred to me that they're not.

    I mean, I recognize that most people would disagree, but it's like everything has an opinion, has feelings. Is alive, in some sense.

    There's an interconnectedness in that way, and I think I'd rather live in that world than in one where there were just people. 

    And everything else was just... stuff.

  • It does seem to be an autistic thing. I wonder why.

  • Hyper empathy. Also, it may be because we are less likely to adhere to social hierarchies and may see everything as equal even if it is an inanimate object.

    Another reason could be the fact that we can feel intensely connected to the world. Particularly, if the objects are incredibly meaningful to us or part of our dedicated interests we may really care for them and want to keep them safe.

    One more thought, if some of us don’t feel like we can make meaningful connections with other humans because of different neurotypes, we may develop a deep connection with objects as they are very reliable, predictable and don’t pose any threats or demands on us. This may result in us caring for them like we would another human.

    Just some thoughts… What do you think?

  • Hyper empathy. Also, it may be because we are less likely to adhere to social hierarchies and may see everything as equal even if it is an inanimate object.

    Another reason could be the fact that we can feel intensely connected to the world. Particularly, if the objects are incredibly meaningful to us or part of our dedicated interests we may really care for them and want to keep them safe.

    One more thought, if some of us don’t feel like we can make meaningful connections with other humans because of different neurotypes, we may develop a deep connection with objects as they are very reliable, predictable and don’t pose any threats or demands on us. This may result in us caring for them like we would another human.

    Just some thoughts… What do you think?
