
I found the meme below the other day and it occurred to me that I do have a habit of talking to inanimate objects and treating them like they are sentient beings.

It never occurred to me that this might be an autistic thing though. Do you do this?

Parents Reply Children
  • I still kind of think that. I know they dont actually talk but I feel like they probably communicate telepathically 

    About toys though, I try to keep them in the best condition (I think I care for my stuff more than I do myself..) and I try to make sure that each one is loved the same amount so they dont feel bad about themself or lonely. They each have assigned seats on my shelf and they are placed to have the most space and comfort I can give. I used to have a chart next to my bed so I made sure to sleep with each toy an equal amount. Then whenever I have to sell a toy then I have to take about 20 min alone with it and I tell all the things I loved about them and remind them of the joy they brought me, I tell them how im sorry that I am abandoning them and that they dont deserve it but its probbaly better this way and that they will meet a new kid who will love them just as much (hopefully but I try not to be negetive) and then I just hold them up to my heart close my eyes and let all the love I possibly can to send it to my toy for its travels and new life.