What’s everyone doing for New Year’s Eve

Hay just wondering who got plans for the New Year’s Eve. I am hoping to spend it with my boyfriend over his have a take away or cook a nice meal and eat cupcakes all night or if that’s not an option I am hoping to go get drunk over my friends house and eat Chinese all night. What’s everyone else up to? 

  • I’ll be staying in, going to bed early - it’s too dangerous to go out in Manchester or any other U.K. Cities - I’ve heard from family in Ireland that just like last New Years Eve, armed police were preventing any New Year’s Eve celebrations from taking place in Dublin and other Irish cities and towns but in the wake of the Dublin riots, this is going to be massively stepped up, with the Irish Army being called out this year, complete with snipers posted on high ground and on top of high buildings 

  • This is why I want Northern Ireland to remain in the Union.

    The South is undergoing Martial Law.

  • Sadly I agree, even though Westminster has abandoned the North in a most shameful fashion, where the North has been far saner than the South - as a Catholic and an Irish Patriot, where I have extended family in Co Meath, I’m deeply saddened by the situation there since my last visit home in October 2022 and I’m also terrified for my family’s safety - I’m dreading getting that call to say that they have all been murdered by the police (Gardai) and/or the Army, as our security services are totally corrupt and out of control 

  • Sadly I agree, even though Westminster has abandoned the North in a most shameful fashion, where the North has been far saner than the South - as a Catholic and an Irish Patriot, where I have extended family in Co Meath, I’m deeply saddened by the situation there since my last visit home in October 2022 and I’m also terrified for my family’s safety - I’m dreading getting that call to say that they have all been murdered by the police (Gardai) and/or the Army, as our security services are totally corrupt and out of control 

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