Meltdown - Rage

Hello everyone 

I was diagnosed with autism / asperger syndrome in 2015, I know what I am like but I dont really know whats to do with the autism and what isn't. I hear alot about meltdowns but don't really know if I have ever had one, the thing i do know is I get to the point where the last thing tips me over the edge and I go into a rage and just shout about anything and everything thats annoying me. Not sure if thats a meltdown or not but i always thought meltdowns and autism go hand in hand.

I don't really know how to put into words this but say the tv is on my sons got the pad sound on my partners phone is playing more than one person is talking, i feel myself getting hotter and hotter and then i just snap because i cant think straight (this is seperate but also relevant to the top)


  • Sensory overload and I can understand this.

    I often feel like shouting and sometimes do, when people have their mobiles on speaker when on the bus.

    Too loud and too much noise, does my head in!

  • Sensory overload and I can understand this.

    I often feel like shouting and sometimes do, when people have their mobiles on speaker when on the bus.

    Too loud and too much noise, does my head in!

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