Did Anyone Burnout Over Xmas?

I posted on here just before Xmas saying I was disappointed about my doctor's not helping with potential ASD diagnosis. 

On Xmas eve I went to my partner's parents. I was so tired by that point I was seeing double at times on the walk up. We stayed a while and I nearly text my partner saying I need to go home. I didn't as I felt bad and we were just sat watching a film.

We got home and I was struggling to think a lot. I then slept all Xmas eve night, had my partner text my mum and sister to say I'd crashed and slept from then until boxing day morning.

I then had extreme panic and anxiety and sensory overload. I am much much better today but I am still recovering from burning out. It's happened a few times in my life and it's honestly hell on earth. 

Is this something others experience? Please share if you do. 

I felt awful for my partner but she is Polish and Polish people mainly celebrate on Xmas eve so at least she got her Xmas. She's been so supportive she's bought me a book on dealing with your autism. 

I am going to read it when I am fully recovered. 

All in all this may have been a positive overall experience as I think I am going to diagnose myself for now and stop questioning my ASD. 

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