Was this a parasocial relationship?

I was 21 and I reached out to someone on Instagram. I don't think I'd consider them a big public figure (although they had followers in the ten thousands) but they went on Britain's Got Talent as part of a group, and they weren't the 'face' of that group. They got the golden buzzer and made the final.

This was back when the Instagram algorithm was a bit different, where the stories of people you're not following would also come up on your home screen. I recall responding to this person with an attempt at a witty remark but they thought I was being deadly serious (they didn't take offence), and instead we ended up having an interesting conversation. I slipped in a mention about being autistic, and at this point it was the first time I had mentioned it very soon after becoming acquainted with someone.

Over the following few months we did speak here and there, although 99% of the time I did initiate the conversation and it was only on my birthday (one of the four) where it was the reverse. I didn't really pick up on it; I had no knowledge or understanding as to what I wanted out of friendships at this time but I latched onto this person. It was such a different dynamic to anything I'd had at that point, where I really believed they liked me and accepted me as a person. I didn't really feel that welcome anywhere else at the time. I became attracted to them for a while (arguably my first serious crush) but I knew it wasn't something I could pursue.

Over time, I did struggle with the fact they were difficult to get hold of, and I would often try really hard to do so. At the time, I didn't realise that a 'friendship' shouldn't be like that, and I don't think I even know if that was the case. I never explicitly asked for their phone number or anything although when I expressed the confusion I was feeling, they said they were afraid of giving their number out (understandably).

I don't have anything negative to say about them, they were nothing but kind. I do think about it though and whether I could have seen the signs earlier that maybe this wasn't ever going to be a traditional 'friendship' in the way that I would like, or that would be healthy for both of us.