
Hi all. I was a member here when I was a teenager still, a good 7-9 years back. Since then I've been through so many things, stress, family death and I was Sectioned which was horrific at the time but I feel like I've finally started to move on from this.

This last year I started volunteering at my local preschool. I was anxious at first as I'm a man and working in early years childcare terrified me but actually the children, staff and parents love that I'm a man. Many of the children really like being around me, I think I present a safe feeling for them. I hope so anyway!!

I'm doing so well, I'm more independent and coping extremely well, better than I thought possible if I'm honest.

Now I've always dreamt of being a Dad and doing this work has shown me that I can cope in so many ways, including looking after a child and I have always thought of adoption and I'm curious if this is possible what with me having autism?

I think it should be ok. What will be difficult regarding this, is the Sectioning. Very unfortunate that this ever happened at all! Especially as I wasn't mentally ill, I was misdiagnosed as they didn't understand my Autism.

But it's on my health records now and if I apply for adoption I know this will be looked in to. I'm working and have been very successful. So I'm hoping this will help me when I apply.

I still live at home but I'm very independent now.

I just so desperately want to offer a child a safe and happy home. I have so much love to give and want to make a difference.

But I'm so scared I'll not be allowed to achieve this because of my situation and past.

If anyone has experience of this or any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Now I've always dreamt of being a Dad and doing this work has shown me that I can cope in so many ways, including looking after a child and I have always thought of adoption and I'm curious if this is possible what with me having autism?

    There is no rule as such that says autistic people can't adopt. If there were people like me would be making a big stink about it. In theory they should asses your sutability for adoption in the same way as anyone else.

  • Now I've always dreamt of being a Dad and doing this work has shown me that I can cope in so many ways, including looking after a child and I have always thought of adoption and I'm curious if this is possible what with me having autism?

    There is no rule as such that says autistic people can't adopt. If there were people like me would be making a big stink about it. In theory they should asses your sutability for adoption in the same way as anyone else.

  • Thank you for replying, this gives me hope and that really is what I've been looking for. I think I would be ok and I'll be getting in touch with them before long as I'm more than passionate about doing this.

    Thanks Peter.