Referral for assessment


My referral for an asd assessment has just been sent. 

I'm feeling really anxious and worried now. I know that that is wasted energy, but I cannot help the way I feel. And right now I'm feeling very fragile. Totally overwhelmed. 

I'm worried that they will reject it. I know without a doubt that I am autistic. 53 years of struggling. 

This recent revelation (being autistic) has come with a whirlwind of mixed emotions. But I finally understand myself, can forgive myself, and i can be kind to myself. And I can give myself permission to use all the tools I've needed for so very long.

I feel that without their acknowledgement, my world will return to me being so hard on myself, feeling ashamed and worse.

I'm seeking a clinical diagnosis for validation (I was treated so badly by my parents), and to help my daughter and granddaughter (who are both struggling themselves). 

 How can I overcome this ? I can't see clearly. 

  • Wish I could give you some advice. Hang in there is all I can say, you have managed for 53 years. You can do it! 
    im in the same position 49 years I’ve got by and thought the way I was was how everyone else was. Only through discovering my son is asd have I found myself there. It seems now there is a reason for it my energy and general wellbeing has taken a battering. I can’t even begin to imagine how I’m going to make things a little easier atm. Hope you get some answers and it makes things more manageable for you!

    good luck 

  • Wish I could give you some advice. Hang in there is all I can say, you have managed for 53 years. You can do it! 
    im in the same position 49 years I’ve got by and thought the way I was was how everyone else was. Only through discovering my son is asd have I found myself there. It seems now there is a reason for it my energy and general wellbeing has taken a battering. I can’t even begin to imagine how I’m going to make things a little easier atm. Hope you get some answers and it makes things more manageable for you!

    good luck 
