Christmas: the good, the bad and the ugly and how to survive it

So, for me, there is little good.

Good = buying anything that includes fresh foliage and making table decorations with it (and collecting foliage to add) then the arrival of January.

Bad = expectations, expense, overload of everything..

Ugly = years from childhood of trauma related to this time of year, not just at home with my parents but also the financial and social obligations that were too much for me.

These now cause cyclical depression.

Also, lack of any real meaning as I'm agnostic.

My survival tips after 4+ decades of active involvement:

Cut down as much as you can on present buying without falling out with people - I've managed to now no longer buy for the vast majority of my family and half my friends (half = 1).

I found approaching this with people very anxiety making and I was concerned about conflict but I've been surprised that on the whole, most people are accommodating and some people even seem to be positive about it.

Cut down as much as you can on socialising (as above).

Try to learn to say 'no' if you are anything like me, too obliging for my own good.

This is a just a short synopsis of thoughts that have been racing through my head today.

I'd love to hear anyone's own version of the above.

  • I'm usually on my own, now. The difference in days (different names for days, that are usually Monday, e.g.) always makes me lose track of the days, so it's a bit of a timeless time, really. 

    Apart from a tree - still not up - I don't have decorations. 

    I don't necessarily have Christmas food, either.

    So it's just alone time.

    For the last few years it hasn't seemed any different to any other time, much, because I've always been at home.

    Today marks the 6th anniversary the my accident, that's probably the biggest point of reflection for me, tbh.

    Slight smile

  • Today marks the 6th anniversary the my accident, that's probably the biggest point of reflection for me, tbh.

    I'm sorry Pegg.

    That must be a very traumatic (+ life changing) experience to be reflecting upon.

    I will think of you x

Reply Children
  • I'm sorry Pegg.

    That must be a very traumatic (+ life changing) experience to be reflecting upon.

    Thank you Debbie, you are kind. Sunflower

    I have come far, since then. And although some things caused by the accident will never be fixed - still, much has improved, slowly, in those 6 years.

    I am more fortunate than I believed I would be. Slight smile