Positive experience of gym induction

I recently was referred to a health coach and the gym induction went very well. The lady shown me how to adjust the lights, turn the sound down (if I dont have my ear phones in) and they have also said I can speak to reception to adjust the additional lighting which they have in the upstairs smaller gym. I was so pleased after a massive anxiety peak going yesterday AM. I dont know how I made it there. I almost backed out thinking negative but I made it there. I am not pushing myself too much as I have a weekly walk too which is getting some outdoor exercise in some nice scenery. The gym will hopefully work well with taking my son to the high school for 830 as its part of my morning routine.

I was very pleased with my confidence and plans to do this - and how accommodating the sports centre has been with my barriers with Autism and sensory processing. I know there will be some anxiety if anyone wants to make conversation while I am working out (anticipating that someone may want to speak to me!) but I hope I can just turn up and go without being too peopley! 

In our area you can go to a GP for referral to a health coach if you have a long term mental health or other conditions and the waiting list was 3 months. I see my health coach 6 appointments to see how my fitness goals are going. I want to improve fitness after 10 years of being medicated and have now almost finished my tapering of psychiatric meds.

  • Good luck with it all.

    I started to workout around 5yrs ago and eat healthy. It’s amazing the feeling when you’re on your way back home and you feel you did something good. I’m lucky as my ex brother in law is an ex pt so when I train it’s either with him or on my own. I have never been anywhere where there has been quite a few people but I would guess that if you keep your headphones in whilst there no one will disturb you. 
    hopefully it will be the same for you and give you a good start to the day and feel positive. 

  • Good luck with it all.

    I started to workout around 5yrs ago and eat healthy. It’s amazing the feeling when you’re on your way back home and you feel you did something good. I’m lucky as my ex brother in law is an ex pt so when I train it’s either with him or on my own. I have never been anywhere where there has been quite a few people but I would guess that if you keep your headphones in whilst there no one will disturb you. 
    hopefully it will be the same for you and give you a good start to the day and feel positive. 

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