Trust and Social Naivette

How trusting are you?  If someone presented themselves as a good person would  you immediately take their word for it?  How easy to manipulate do you consider yourself?  I'm sure it's not just Autistic people who are taken advantage of.  But are Autistic people easier to take advantage of?  Do you present yourself as honest? And do you see other people as being the same as you?  Because often they are not.

  • Not really relevant but this doctor who quote came to mind.

    "Madge: I don't know why I keep shouting at them.
    The Doctor: Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they're going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later. The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later."

  • In 100 years nothing will matter anymore anyway.
    So why even care ?.....

  • My mother says I am too trusting. But then again she's my mom. I do not believe trust is a word I use often to describe someone. I am not naive or gullible either, I just really do not care what I have to lose when I give. But OH YES: I am honest, too honest. But no, I feel alone, most of the time, I do not think anyone is the same as anyone.

    You see the word "Normal", lock it in a box, throw the key in a river, throw the box in the trash and burn it. 

  • Yeah, i know the feeling.

  • Me too. One of my childhood best friends was exactly like that.  He would keep using me and I'd keep going back to him to be used again.

  • I have a sixth sense for people that I don't like. I just have a feel for people, I have been trusting in situations others might not be so trusting but I think in that situation was the right thing to do because I am pretty sure they were ND and didn't explain that to me and I didn't understand at the time but I thought it was the right thing to do. I tend to be too trusting of things I read though. Oh. The earth is flat, lemme just believe that and then I read somewhere else its not and then I realise oh the earth is not flat.

  • ND people can be bad people too.  I'd have the same level of skepticism around them as I do NT's.  I know that's an unhappy truth, but it is the truth, as I see it.

  • Yes opportunists, out for themselves. 

    I am pretty good at spotting it. I am too honest fir my own good, but i wouldnt want it any other way.

    People take advantage.

    In fact, i think this may be why i distance myself, im done with people, they are noisy Relaxed

  • they will use you up and spit you out.

    Ive had friends who would just use me to do things for them since they knew I would. But then they never actually cared about me unless they could benefit, once im no use they move on.

  • I've been wide eyed in many social situations and then later come to regret my innocence.  For some people life is just a game. And they will use you up and spit you out.

  • I would say I am very untrusting now because I was too trusting when I was young and was taken advantage of, including by people I thought were friends.