Trust and Social Naivette

How trusting are you?  If someone presented themselves as a good person would  you immediately take their word for it?  How easy to manipulate do you consider yourself?  I'm sure it's not just Autistic people who are taken advantage of.  But are Autistic people easier to take advantage of?  Do you present yourself as honest? And do you see other people as being the same as you?  Because often they are not.

  • When I was younger I was very naive and far too trusting. People used that to their own gain, often just for the fun of it. I have had to learn the hard way how manipulative and deceitful people can be.

    I've probably gone too far in the other direction now and find it extremely hard to trust anyone. Maybe it's the autistic tendency to all or nothing thinking that there isn't a middle ground.

  • I've often thought that about Autists and all or nothing thinking.  So thank you for expressing that. Now I feel less alone.

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