Work Christmas "party" - just too much

My work had a small Christmas party sort of thing in reception. I usually dont go to social things at my work but wanted to push myself out my comfort zone. I don't regret doing it, but God was that a lot more difficult than i expected. 

I just get so stuck inside myself in group conversation. Constantly questioning "what do I say now, what can I say to make or progress a conversation, no that's a stupid thing to say" and this internal dialogue jsut keeps going to the point that I just got so insular and have no idea what's being said by others. I don't know many people at my work outside my normal team but I really wanted to talk to others, I just couldn't. It really upsets me. I want to be able to initiate conversation rather than jsut wait and hope someone comes to me.

What didn't help was that some people that I was "kind of" talking to just kept having "banter" about things that were really quite vulgar and at times homophobic. It makes me really uncomfortable, I jsut don't find vulgar things funny. And I want to call out the homophobic *** but if they're all not seeing anything wrong with it it makes it even harder. I can't really call out my whole team. 

It was also so loud, so much background noise from talking and a karaoke machine that kept giving out microphone feedback. At one point I walked about hoping I could get into a conversation somewhere but ended up jsut feeling extremely self conscious and felt like a lonely weirdo walking about. 

I eventually decided I'd had enough (after only about an hour) and left. As soon as I got out the door I jsut started crying. It was so unexpected. I can usually feel a cry when it's coming. But this one jsut happened and I don't really understand it. I found the party difficult but I didn't feel overly emotional until I left. 

Im glad I pushed myself. Im glad I tried. But God I just have this image of who I want to be, and when you have solid evidence that you aren't that person, or youve got so long to go to get to that person, it hurts. Not feeling very Christmas this year. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves. 

  • Hi EuanF. I'm sorry about the Christmas office party, that sounds a complete nightmare and something which you could have done without!

    Well done for going and actually getting through an hour of that. I would have left after ten minutes! That takes courage, you should be proud of yourself.

    Try to put it behind you now and remember to give yourself a pat on the back for even going.

    I attended the village Christmas party once, when and it was a similar affair. Loud music, drunk locals and people acting like they were ten year olds again with jokes which were just disgraceful being thrown around. I left after ten minutes and cried on the way home, and when I got to the car I was shaking so hard I had to wait to calm down before I could drive.

    Christmas parties are never worth the hassle. I don't bother anymore.

    Feel better soon.

  • Hi EuanF. I'm sorry about the Christmas office party, that sounds a complete nightmare and something which you could have done without!

    Well done for going and actually getting through an hour of that. I would have left after ten minutes! That takes courage, you should be proud of yourself.

    Try to put it behind you now and remember to give yourself a pat on the back for even going.

    I attended the village Christmas party once, when and it was a similar affair. Loud music, drunk locals and people acting like they were ten year olds again with jokes which were just disgraceful being thrown around. I left after ten minutes and cried on the way home, and when I got to the car I was shaking so hard I had to wait to calm down before I could drive.

    Christmas parties are never worth the hassle. I don't bother anymore.

    Feel better soon.
