logical story of christ

yo, im not religious or anything, and if you are deeply religious and unable to discuss ill warn you that maybe you might not like any different ideas i bring up here. and i am giving it historical legitimacy with what im about to analyse and trying to make it realistic.

so here goes... for the sake of christmas this is a christmas topic really.

i was looking at the story of jesus logically.

he claimed to be son of god... but yet in those days a god was a emperor of rome. not a god how we see it now....
so you see by claiming to be a son of god, its a claim that you are a son of a emperor of rome, and thus you are potentially a title claimant.
this is then likely the real reason behind his execution no?

now lets look at it another way, his birth. mary the virgin, ok there is a theory she got... censored.... by a roman soldier.... now lets take that and say perhaps it wasnt a soldier but a emperor and the soldier takes the blame...   or maybe it was a soldier and mary thought or claimed it was a emperor and told her son jesus that it was a emperor when he grew up.. this questionable birth and questionable father does lend weight to the fact jesus may well have been a illegitimate child, and that the lies and secrecy around it lends weight that it was a important figure.

then you have the emperor at the time of jesus execution. he was tiberius, and he was a adopted son of augustus as augustus had no heir of his own so had to adopt tiberius. you see being a adopted child for the sake of a heir like that is a weak ground for holding power, and so anyone coming along claiming to be any former emperors illigitimate child would have more right to the throne than a adopted heir. so jesus saying he is son of god, and god being a former emperor, that is a direct credible threat to tiberius reign. hence why he had to act on it and execute him in such a way that news spread through the entire empire that the issue is dealt with and that there is no more claimants to threaten the rule of tiberius.

so that all seems very logical and checks out, more so than a magic fantastical story. this seems more realistic and historically factual.... but then, we have to deduce who jesus father was..... was it perhaps augustus? augustus means the exalted and he considered himself to be a god which checks out with jesus claim to be son of god  ... if so that would be the most direct threat to tiberius reign..... 

so yeah, what do you think? more believable and realistic than the bible? although it kinda gets rid of that spiritual aspect that people wanted in it, but is perhaps closer to historic truth and real life. 

  • I don't consider myself to be a religious person either. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the notion of the 'Immaculate Conception'.

    That said, I do not believe that death is the end... or maybe I just don't want to believe that death is the end. I do buy into the notion that while our bodies cease to exist in a physical sense when we die, our Soul/Spirit lives on.

    Whilst I have *some* interest in Roman history, it isn't enough to excite me. Therefore, I am unable to state whether I agree or disagree with the theory you have put forward.

  • I don't consider myself to be a religious person either. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the notion of the 'Immaculate Conception'.

    That said, I do not believe that death is the end... or maybe I just don't want to believe that death is the end. I do buy into the notion that while our bodies cease to exist in a physical sense when we die, our Soul/Spirit lives on.

    Whilst I have *some* interest in Roman history, it isn't enough to excite me. Therefore, I am unable to state whether I agree or disagree with the theory you have put forward.

  • Ditto. I'm along the same lines of thinking as Sparkly is regarding this. I mostly try not to think of it, I focus on the here and now if I can.

  • i too agree that theres many unknown things beyond our lives. ive experienced enough weird phenomena myself, and im super skeptical and analyse everything by logic and reality and id still say the supernatural and unexplainable do certainly exist.... although my skeptical side does still reserve that i may have been hallucinating or having some mental symptoms perhaps when i experience strange things.