Sick to death of humanity

I don't feel the natural bond that many of you here feel for each other.  I don't think Autistics are superior to Allistic people. I think they're just as bad.  I may aswell just wonder into my local bus station and hold a convo there for all the good posting here does for me.

I'm going to leave.

  • Former Member, I hope that you are only temporarily hibernating, and haven't left for good.

    Based on my own experience here, there are some members that I feel I have a good rapport with, but in the majority of cases it has taken many months to establish that rapport. In my case, it hasn't necessarily had anything to do with having shared interests, but has perhaps been due to being of a similar age, being on a similar wavelength, and/or having similar life experiences.

    After I joined the Community, there were members that I didn't think I liked and didn't have much time for. However, with some of those members, I gradually began to see a different side to them and found myself slowly warming to them.

    For what it's worth, I have never thought that people with ASD are superior to anyone, just different.

    Whilst you may not feel you have a natural bond with any of the members here, I do believe you have created some good and interesting discussions here, and that your presence here would be missed.

    Even with the members that I've built up a rapport with, there can be occasions when I feel at odds with them. Sometimes they may say things that I strongly disagree with, cannot relate to, feel irritated by, etc. I dare say that there are occasions when they probably wish I would just shut up and change the record... and that's okay. Why? Because none of us is perfect and it's all part of what makes us human.

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