Sick to death of humanity

I don't feel the natural bond that many of you here feel for each other.  I don't think Autistics are superior to Allistic people. I think they're just as bad.  I may aswell just wonder into my local bus station and hold a convo there for all the good posting here does for me.

I'm going to leave.

  • I have felt the same way since joining here not so long ago. Some people here talk with so much familiarity with each other in the forums, it's friendly and everything, but they'll ignore the post I've written, while replying to every post above and below mine. It just looks like they don't want to talk to me or include me in conversations,  like I've been outcasted. That's just how my experience has been here since I've joined. 

  • Im sorry. When I see a post with 0 replies, I try to reply something (which is why some of my comments are completely useless) because I know how awful it feels to not be included. Im sure nobody here is trying to outcast you

  • Exactly right. Some posts with zero replies are just "above my paygrade" however, or even sometimes I know that my honest response will not be seen as helpful so I keep quiet. 

    Sometimes though everyone goes away at the same time, then they all come back seemingly at once, get notifications of posts they have interacted before, respond to them immediately, and some posts just get pushed out of view really quickly.   

    Edit. That happened to my film night posts a few times, and I spent ages wondering if I should keep bumping them up until I got a reply...

    People have a lot to say here sometimes, and lone voices can get lost in the noise. 

  • Sometimes though everyone goes away at the same time, then they all come back seemingly at once

    I noticed that too lol. Its like dead for a few hours then all at once posts come out of nowhere and all the new ones get shoved on the later pages. (that may mostly be due to the time difference for me)

  • Sometimes though everyone goes away at the same time, then they all come back seemingly at once

    I noticed that too lol. Its like dead for a few hours then all at once posts come out of nowhere and all the new ones get shoved on the later pages. (that may mostly be due to the time difference for me)

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