Where is your life heading?

I'm not sure where mine is going. I always give up on my hopes and dreams. Would you say you've enjoyed your life so far? What was the best part so far? Where is yours heading? What do you see ahead of you? I'm curious more than anything and hoping that my spark will come back.

  • I am unemployed after a few years unable to cope in work. I have started to build in volunteering work, long walks and registering at my local gym. I have ambitions for self employment....not sure it's achievable but it's a goal. I am 46 and hopefully it will work out and be ENJOYED.

    I keep a journal to be creative too.

  • I could never hold down a job. When I was 36 I became self employed and it has been so much easier. When Im burnt out or depressed or whatever - I don't have to work - I don't have to answer to anyone - I'm not earning during those periods - I'm not saying it's easy - but for me self employment is the only way I am able to work. 

    I also found out recently about the access to work scheme - you can get support - equipment - possibly even grants - to help you into - or stay in work. 

    I've just applied for it myself. 

  • But saying that - I feel like so much of how mental health professionals talk about autism / ADHD is focussed on finding ways for us to fit into neurotypical systems - I don't like that. I strive to live in my own way - but I'm always jutting up against the edge of the grey world.

  • But saying that - I feel like so much of how mental health professionals talk about autism / ADHD is focussed on finding ways for us to fit into neurotypical systems - I don't like that. I strive to live in my own way - but I'm always jutting up against the edge of the grey world.

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