Where is your life heading?

I'm not sure where mine is going. I always give up on my hopes and dreams. Would you say you've enjoyed your life so far? What was the best part so far? Where is yours heading? What do you see ahead of you? I'm curious more than anything and hoping that my spark will come back.

  • I don't know, there's just been a change, in that I've started working again, but I don't know if that will take me forward in some ways, or just end up being an interlude between periods of less activity. 

    I'm not sure whether I'll ever move away from where I live, as it's my childhood home and suits me in many ways. It occurs to me that my life won't take me anywhere, that  I'll live here, with my dog for company, for all my days.

    I have been out, in the bigger world, and it's not for me. 

  • I don't know, there's just been a change, in that I've started working again, but I don't know if that will take me forward in some ways, or just end up being an interlude between periods of less activity. 

    I'm not sure whether I'll ever move away from where I live, as it's my childhood home and suits me in many ways. It occurs to me that my life won't take me anywhere, that  I'll live here, with my dog for company, for all my days.

    I have been out, in the bigger world, and it's not for me. 

  • My experiences of being out in the bigger world and trying to fit in would probably make good comedy material from a distance, objectively. From my point of view I wasn't laughing at the time, subjectively (it was horrendous for me). I hope to gradually find some middle way / compromise in the whole thing Slight smile