Where is your life heading?

I'm not sure where mine is going. I always give up on my hopes and dreams. Would you say you've enjoyed your life so far? What was the best part so far? Where is yours heading? What do you see ahead of you? I'm curious more than anything and hoping that my spark will come back.

  • i dont really have plans and never did. just to exist is all i thought, although alot of the time i guess i didnt want to exist. there really isnt much point to life really but to wait until it ends when you think on it.

    but i did put together some basic plans and actions which got me a job and a house and a lump sum from investment. and my plans are in a end stage of hoping to early repay mortgage this year, then my life will perhaps be just wait until i die of old age again.... although figuring out how to untie myself from work i guess is the next step. having a property and committing to life like i just did kinda now binds me into being stuck in work for the rest of my wait.... and to be fair, waiting for the end doing nothing is leagues better than waiting for my end working away each day....

    so yeah, my goal, short term pay mortgage off early, long term somehow unhook the parasitic idea of work from my life somehow or at least cut it down to part time. then just casually wait until the end of my life... thats all there is to life really.

  • i dont really have plans and never did. just to exist is all i thought, although alot of the time i guess i didnt want to exist. there really isnt much point to life really but to wait until it ends when you think on it

    This is how I think a lot of the time. I'm not suicidal I just don't see a lot of point in life at times. I had a job but I've had to pack it in as it was causing me too much anxiety and mental impact.

  • yeah hoping i can find a way to pack it in in the future too, although i dont see it happening as no way id be allowed to live on benefits anyway as im a male native to this land lol my best bet is likely gonna be to take back time like do 4 days instead of 5.

  • yeah hoping i can find a way to pack it in in the future too, although i dont see it happening as no way id be allowed to live on benefits anyway as im a male native to this land lol my best bet is likely gonna be to take back time like do 4 days instead of 5.

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