Where is your life heading?

I'm not sure where mine is going. I always give up on my hopes and dreams. Would you say you've enjoyed your life so far? What was the best part so far? Where is yours heading? What do you see ahead of you? I'm curious more than anything and hoping that my spark will come back.

  • I’m perhaps not in the best place to answer this as currently feel like I’m spiralling downwards. My biggest fear is ending up back in a psychiatric ward for weeks on end… and I currently feel like I’m getting closer and closer to that again each day. 
    i hope this is just a blip and there is much more positive things that im headed for. I feel very lost at the moment, everyone around me seems to be moving on with their life and doing exciting things like having babies, getting married, going on holidays… none of which i feel are an option for me. 

    I wish i could be more positive and optimistic about life! I’m very newly diagnosed so maybe im still going through the whole natural process of acceptance/anger/frustration/grieving etc 

  • I’m perhaps not in the best place to answer this as currently feel like I’m spiralling downwards. My biggest fear is ending up back in a psychiatric ward for weeks on end… and I currently feel like I’m getting closer and closer to that again each day. 
    i hope this is just a blip and there is much more positive things that im headed for. I feel very lost at the moment, everyone around me seems to be moving on with their life and doing exciting things like having babies, getting married, going on holidays… none of which i feel are an option for me. 

    I wish i could be more positive and optimistic about life! I’m very newly diagnosed so maybe im still going through the whole natural process of acceptance/anger/frustration/grieving etc 

  • It is a journey Sloan.  I have just two pieces of universal advice to you.....

    1.  Stay sane.

    2. Don't panic.

    If you manage those things, life seems to roll along reasonably safely and with flashes of contentment....in my experience.