My new girlfriend has Austism and...

...ADHD and PMDD.

My girlfriend and I have had a mostly amazing start to our relationship, albeit with a few meltdowns and shutdowns along the way.  As an NT person, I'm trying to understand as much as possible, but there are times where I feel completely useless (right now as I type this) because I don't know how to handle the situation properly or know the right things to say. Particularly when my GF tells me she's depressed and wants to kill herself.

I've been told that I'm not listening but I'm trying to. I don't feel like I have the tools to know what I have to do.

I know I can't ask someone to give me answers as that would be impossible, but I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the direction of where I can find information on the tools I need to deal with the tough situations.  I want to be the man my GF needs me to be - I don't want to let her down.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you. 

  • Good evening NAS90435.  I reckon you need one of the kind "resource" emails from our volunteer mods......where they sign-post you to things that might be able to inform and enlighten you on "safe" and "conventional" and "liability assessed" advice for your situation.

    Don't take it personally if not many people respond to you........we have been warned against giving advice on this type of cuts too close to providing "medical advice" I suspect.

    The mods (human moderators on this forum) tend not to work late or weekends cover can be I would imagine it will be Monday before you perhaps keep checking back.....they are normally pretty reliable.....eventually.



  • Good evening NAS90435.  I reckon you need one of the kind "resource" emails from our volunteer mods......where they sign-post you to things that might be able to inform and enlighten you on "safe" and "conventional" and "liability assessed" advice for your situation.

    Don't take it personally if not many people respond to you........we have been warned against giving advice on this type of cuts too close to providing "medical advice" I suspect.

    The mods (human moderators on this forum) tend not to work late or weekends cover can be I would imagine it will be Monday before you perhaps keep checking back.....they are normally pretty reliable.....eventually.


