Autistic memory

I've not Googlerated this so I'm starting from quite a low point of knowledge.

I know that we can tend to have very good memory in certain areas and I know about the autistic savant.

So, what do you know about how our memories work and why?

Mainly though, what is your memory like?

What do you remember and what do you not so well?

I have an autistic friend and he can quote back to me the day of the week, date and year a lot of events happened -  small events, things like the day we went on a day trip somewhere over the whole of his life - he's 63.

I don't have that kind of gift but I have realised in recent times that my memory is quite unusual.

I do remember being in the pram and then the pushchair.

However, what I remember really well is places, events in my life and people and the things that people say, going back all 6 decades.

I can mentally walk through every room of the places I've lived in during my life and even where the furniture is.

How about you?

  • What an interesting thread.

    Not so long ago I was discussing memory with my students and had remarked at the time how my own memory is actually very good. I'm not old in years, I'm only 28 but even so my memory is good and at times almost photographic. This works against me in some ways when it comes to negative memories and my PTSD but it's helpful when it comes to places I've been because I can remember the route I took without having to look up directions.

    Childhood wise I remember so much. I remember when I spoke my first word "hungry", and that same memory I remember how my mum called for my dad shouting how I had spoke for the first time. I remember going fishing for the first time with my Grandad, and how revolting the smell was. I was gagging. I was only 7 at the time and my Grandad was almost crying with laughter. What a monster, lol.

    I remember so many things from my childhood. It's fun looking back and also nice to know I'm not alone in experiencing this.

  • What an interesting thread.

    In case you are interested in reading threads you have missed during your absence, here is a link to a thread of threads I made:

    Welcome back Sunflower

  • Dear Debbie,

    Thank you very much! Relaxed I had a quick glimpse, this list will be more than useful.️

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