Autistic memory

I've not Googlerated this so I'm starting from quite a low point of knowledge.

I know that we can tend to have very good memory in certain areas and I know about the autistic savant.

So, what do you know about how our memories work and why?

Mainly though, what is your memory like?

What do you remember and what do you not so well?

I have an autistic friend and he can quote back to me the day of the week, date and year a lot of events happened -  small events, things like the day we went on a day trip somewhere over the whole of his life - he's 63.

I don't have that kind of gift but I have realised in recent times that my memory is quite unusual.

I do remember being in the pram and then the pushchair.

However, what I remember really well is places, events in my life and people and the things that people say, going back all 6 decades.

I can mentally walk through every room of the places I've lived in during my life and even where the furniture is.

How about you?

  • My short term memory is poor, since my brain is impaired, although definitely better than a few years ago. 

    I remember times from the past as though they were much more recent though, so my sense of time may be different, since more recent events I may easily forget. 

    Today, I am thinking about snow, since it will probably keep me at home tomorrow - and I remember building a snowman in the garden with my brother when we were 9 and 7, he had a red jumper, but no coat (because he doesn't wear coats) and the melting snow on his jumper was shining like diamonds in the sun. 

    It was very cold, and our breath turned to clouds, which was really interesting, then. The dogs were there, one running, hoping to play, the older dog watching us, hoping to chase a stick, or perhaps a snowball. 

    My mum too photos of us - but I don't know whether they survive, now. 

  • You paint a wonderful picture Pegg.


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