Autistic memory

I've not Googlerated this so I'm starting from quite a low point of knowledge.

I know that we can tend to have very good memory in certain areas and I know about the autistic savant.

So, what do you know about how our memories work and why?

Mainly though, what is your memory like?

What do you remember and what do you not so well?

I have an autistic friend and he can quote back to me the day of the week, date and year a lot of events happened -  small events, things like the day we went on a day trip somewhere over the whole of his life - he's 63.

I don't have that kind of gift but I have realised in recent times that my memory is quite unusual.

I do remember being in the pram and then the pushchair.

However, what I remember really well is places, events in my life and people and the things that people say, going back all 6 decades.

I can mentally walk through every room of the places I've lived in during my life and even where the furniture is.

How about you?

  • Ah now memory is an interesting one for me! I can remember every car registration of every car I owned and have travelled in. I can remember the voices of my mother and father, and of my youthful chums and the men I served with. I can remember my mother’s scent, the Old Spice my father would wear. 

    I can remember making a call and going through to the switchboard... And that coincidentally is the job my Good Lady used to do, back in the day... Ahh, the memories. And yet at times my memory is full of holes. I can’t remember where I put my ruddy glasses ten minutes ago, I can’t remember the telephone number of my tailor... I can’t recall a single birthday date of any of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren...

    Memory is a bizarre thing. Mind you, I am from the Thirties so I do not think I’m doing too badly remembering things, all things considered! So long as I remember my Wedding Anniversary and more importantly, where the whiskey and my pipe are, then I don’t worry about the rest. Let’s get our priorities right here!

    I find memory fascinating if I am honest. Absolutely fascinating! It’s incredible that I can remember the Thirties, how I can picture how my village looked, the people, the street names, remember the smell of the bakery on my way to school like it all had happened yesterday. That is how impressive memory is.

    It can take the ghosts of yesterday and present them in my head like it was today. That to me is wonderful. My Good Lady and I discussed this yesterday evening. We were sat talking and I read this page then and we got talking and she, who is not autistic, cannot remember as much as I can. So, perhaps this is an autistic trait? Who knows.

  • It’s incredible that I can remember the Thirties, how I can picture how my village looked, the people, the street names, remember the smell of the bakery on my way to school like it all had happened yesterday. That is how impressive memory is.

    Thank you for a fascinating post.

    You are doing extremely well!

    Yes, I remember the smell of the bakery at the end of my road too - 3 decades after yours though Blush

  • It’s incredible that I can remember the Thirties, how I can picture how my village looked, the people, the street names, remember the smell of the bakery on my way to school like it all had happened yesterday. That is how impressive memory is.

    Thank you for a fascinating post.

    You are doing extremely well!

    Yes, I remember the smell of the bakery at the end of my road too - 3 decades after yours though Blush

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