Light-blocking contact lenses

Hi, I wanted to mention something that I've personally found very helpful and would recommend if you think that it might work for you. Last year, I found light-blocking contact lenses provided by Kings Walk Contact Lenses in Nottingham:

They have significantly reduced the level of sensory pressure from normal light during daily activities, and are like a subtle way of wearing sunglasses indoors without other people noticing. I find them so helpful that I'm going to continue to use them - they are available as soft lenses replaced annually. They don't seem to be available in many places in the UK.

One caution I would mention is that they may affect driving at night and other activities that may be impacted by wearing sunglasses, but in terms of daily activities, I have found them to be very helpful for reducing the sensory load of light. They have also helped with maintaining eye contact instead of looking down to avoid the light behind people.

  • A bit silly of me sorry. Don't light blocking contact lenses just block out light. Wouldn't you be unable to see? Do they make your eyes pitch black. I understand that they are not meant to block all light, just reduce it. It just popped up in my head that they would block all light.

  • Apologies, I should have said - I think they do two different versions that block different levels of light. I can't remember what the levels are but I think the highest level is c.30% which is the one I'm using. It's similar to looking through sunglasses. They also make your eye colour look darker which can be a significant change if your eyes are a lighter colour like blue. It's not such a big change if you have brown eyes.

  • Apologies, I should have said - I think they do two different versions that block different levels of light. I can't remember what the levels are but I think the highest level is c.30% which is the one I'm using. It's similar to looking through sunglasses. They also make your eye colour look darker which can be a significant change if your eyes are a lighter colour like blue. It's not such a big change if you have brown eyes.

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