Government want to look at disability bank accounts to see what we are spending on: this is not good for us autistic.

I read that the government are wanting to look into all disability claimants bank accounts to see what we are spending money on and they can then say that oh! you spend the money on a certain item you should not so we are now going to cut your money. 

This is something that they hope to do in time, it has been on the online news. 

This would be terrible for us autistic people because a lot of people do not understand autism and how diverse we all are: 

for example: autistics might buy the following some might not and need other things for their autism: 

Felt tips, paper, pencils art things: they would not understand that this helps us stay calm by being creative and can help stop us going into further meltdowns etc. 

A computer and games: same reason as above

A piano and sheet music: could be a special interest and is needed for the autistic person and help stop meltdowns too. 

Fancy clothes: for me its 1950s style clothes, to express myself and I cant stand to wear certain clothes

Gluten free foods, special travel like a taxi as buses might be too stressful that day

An indoor clothes drier to stop damp 

collections of trains or magazines, comics etc 

Some people who dont understand autistim and will think that oh they are buying what they want not what they need, tut tut, they should not be buying that. 

What about the autistic that goes on the trains all day because they like it is sooths them. and then someone will say well if they ride trains all day let them work on the trains, but that autistic might be able to talk to people one day but then another day might be mute or unable to and could not work. 

yes there are autistics that can work, and those that work long term are ones that got lucky finding their job that is good for them for example they like action figures so work in a forbidden planet. and are okay with people as long as they are talking about the products. but others cannot cope with work at all. 

I feel that the government need to understand autism much more. No two autistic people are alike. 

What about the person who is has to pay for a private dentist because they dont like the building their local NHS dentists are in for example, and need to have the calm of a private dentist that understands . 

Some autistics might have to spend a fortune on a pair of shoes as they cannot wear cheaper ones for what ever reason (the way they feel etc) 

these are not all conditions or needs I have just listing how diverse we all are and why this new plan is not very nice. 

Because it is scary somehow, big brother is watching you type stuff. 

It also puts non-disabled people against disabled people they dont understand, they have never seen an autistic meltdown for example 


  • I trust the Tories, they're only human and have always done their best for us. I am especially grateful that they share some of their wealth with their serving staff, I think that's very generous

  • I trust the Tories,

    It's good also that we know where we stand with them.

    As they have based their governance on the mediaeval feudal sytem we know that any rules they set are only for us serfs to follow.

  • As they have based their governance on the mediaeval feudal sytem we know that any rules they set are only for us serfs to follow

    Well yeah - the natural order of things. 

    Why else would the Norman Conquest be on the GCSE History syllabus?

    It's important that people know their place. In the natural order of things... 

  • I got educated, despite skipping the boring history bit in the middle!

  • but yet it was worth your time to come in and speak down to a person rather than provide a constructive debate with dates and so on....

    although now it seems i called this out this claiming you have no time is a admission of no evidence.

    i mean at best you could have perhaps pointed out the end of the direct first norman monarchy line and the takeover of the Plantagenets but yet that doesnt really solve it for a few reasons..... the reason being as i said the anglos didnt retake power so its still a norman peoples rule, and the initial norman invasion was a brutal one which impacted the populations and replaced the population with lots of normans. the Plantagenet takeover after didnt effect populations, and indeed was still sorta a carry on from norman rule given they only came to power by relationship of the norman lines meaning its still a carry on from that, the normans are what got our lines intertwined with the french monarchies lines which is what caused all the wars between england and france. if we didnt have norman rule wed never have had a single war with france ever, the wars were due to norman rulers having many relationship ties with french monarchs and nobility. and this all effects all through the history of england. as i said the norman conquests forever shaped englands history, as i pointed out in here most of our wars with france that make up most of englands history are due to the norman relationship ties with french nobles and the claims they gained from that. its a big chunk of history and wars due to the norman french relative ties and it all did shape england and our history. the very fact of the matter was that the anglos didnt really unify england or hold it together very well anyway, the normans were the stern rulers that wanted to mold everything together.... the anglos were more chill, the anglos were allies with scotland, then scotland betrayed the last anglo prince to the normans thinking they could gain a alliance with the normans but that didnt work as alliances based on treachery never work. im totally going off topic as history is vast, but it really does prove my point that modern day england is actually founded on the norman takeover and it is a historically significant cultural event for this country. probably one of our most significant events... any other event you can think of is likely a kicked down issue from the norman takeover.... if you said the 100 years war, yeah thats due to the norman takeover and our norman rulers having relations from france and also wanting their french holdings back... and also thinking they deserved to inherit the throne of france after some relative king died.

    so... who needs educating here? seems you just got educated if you read that lol

  • instead of just calling it nonsense can you clarify and perhaps provide evidence

    No need, you could easily educate yourself with a better source of information. 

    Nothing personal - really- but this isn't worth my time. Sorry.

  • what?

    i dont understand.... your saying the normans didnt conquer england? and that we havent had norman rule since that never really got overthrown?

    instead of just calling it nonsense can you clarify and perhaps provide evidence of a regime change after the norman conquest? im intrigued as i may have missed a part of history then.... if not then the title of nonsense then passes to you if were playing this game...

    also theres alot more to dig in history with norman rule... you wont like researching irish history... spoiler... they are all normans too... go on, research it first...

    as for your faith insult.... im not the one with faith... it seems that after reviewing this you are perhaps insulted that i said we are not anglo saxon, and alot of english are tied to believing they are anglo saxon and i guess will be offended to learn they are not as then they feel like foreigners? .... despite the fact anglo saxon were foreigners too and were the same stock as the normans, to which is why i dont see a issue with it as they are the same peoples anyway... it seems i have shaken your faith in your anglo saxon identity and your faith in who you are.... i have no attachments to any of these titles, so it seems you are the one whos faced with a questioning of faith in your identity here. faith in anglo saxon heritage..... may it soothe you to remind you that both anglo saxon and norman are the same peoples anyway lol and the normans while conquered us and did alot of replacing wed still have anglo saxon genetics in there too.... the most dense norman genetics will be down south anyway where the replacement was more brutal.

  • Yeah,.

    Sorry, but that's nonsense from beginning to end. 

    You believe as you like though, I learned a long time ago that there's no arguing with faith. 

Reply Children
  • I got educated, despite skipping the boring history bit in the middle!

  • but yet it was worth your time to come in and speak down to a person rather than provide a constructive debate with dates and so on....

    although now it seems i called this out this claiming you have no time is a admission of no evidence.

    i mean at best you could have perhaps pointed out the end of the direct first norman monarchy line and the takeover of the Plantagenets but yet that doesnt really solve it for a few reasons..... the reason being as i said the anglos didnt retake power so its still a norman peoples rule, and the initial norman invasion was a brutal one which impacted the populations and replaced the population with lots of normans. the Plantagenet takeover after didnt effect populations, and indeed was still sorta a carry on from norman rule given they only came to power by relationship of the norman lines meaning its still a carry on from that, the normans are what got our lines intertwined with the french monarchies lines which is what caused all the wars between england and france. if we didnt have norman rule wed never have had a single war with france ever, the wars were due to norman rulers having many relationship ties with french monarchs and nobility. and this all effects all through the history of england. as i said the norman conquests forever shaped englands history, as i pointed out in here most of our wars with france that make up most of englands history are due to the norman relationship ties with french nobles and the claims they gained from that. its a big chunk of history and wars due to the norman french relative ties and it all did shape england and our history. the very fact of the matter was that the anglos didnt really unify england or hold it together very well anyway, the normans were the stern rulers that wanted to mold everything together.... the anglos were more chill, the anglos were allies with scotland, then scotland betrayed the last anglo prince to the normans thinking they could gain a alliance with the normans but that didnt work as alliances based on treachery never work. im totally going off topic as history is vast, but it really does prove my point that modern day england is actually founded on the norman takeover and it is a historically significant cultural event for this country. probably one of our most significant events... any other event you can think of is likely a kicked down issue from the norman takeover.... if you said the 100 years war, yeah thats due to the norman takeover and our norman rulers having relations from france and also wanting their french holdings back... and also thinking they deserved to inherit the throne of france after some relative king died.

    so... who needs educating here? seems you just got educated if you read that lol

  • instead of just calling it nonsense can you clarify and perhaps provide evidence

    No need, you could easily educate yourself with a better source of information. 

    Nothing personal - really- but this isn't worth my time. Sorry.

  • what?

    i dont understand.... your saying the normans didnt conquer england? and that we havent had norman rule since that never really got overthrown?

    instead of just calling it nonsense can you clarify and perhaps provide evidence of a regime change after the norman conquest? im intrigued as i may have missed a part of history then.... if not then the title of nonsense then passes to you if were playing this game...

    also theres alot more to dig in history with norman rule... you wont like researching irish history... spoiler... they are all normans too... go on, research it first...

    as for your faith insult.... im not the one with faith... it seems that after reviewing this you are perhaps insulted that i said we are not anglo saxon, and alot of english are tied to believing they are anglo saxon and i guess will be offended to learn they are not as then they feel like foreigners? .... despite the fact anglo saxon were foreigners too and were the same stock as the normans, to which is why i dont see a issue with it as they are the same peoples anyway... it seems i have shaken your faith in your anglo saxon identity and your faith in who you are.... i have no attachments to any of these titles, so it seems you are the one whos faced with a questioning of faith in your identity here. faith in anglo saxon heritage..... may it soothe you to remind you that both anglo saxon and norman are the same peoples anyway lol and the normans while conquered us and did alot of replacing wed still have anglo saxon genetics in there too.... the most dense norman genetics will be down south anyway where the replacement was more brutal.