Government want to look at disability bank accounts to see what we are spending on: this is not good for us autistic.

I read that the government are wanting to look into all disability claimants bank accounts to see what we are spending money on and they can then say that oh! you spend the money on a certain item you should not so we are now going to cut your money. 

This is something that they hope to do in time, it has been on the online news. 

This would be terrible for us autistic people because a lot of people do not understand autism and how diverse we all are: 

for example: autistics might buy the following some might not and need other things for their autism: 

Felt tips, paper, pencils art things: they would not understand that this helps us stay calm by being creative and can help stop us going into further meltdowns etc. 

A computer and games: same reason as above

A piano and sheet music: could be a special interest and is needed for the autistic person and help stop meltdowns too. 

Fancy clothes: for me its 1950s style clothes, to express myself and I cant stand to wear certain clothes

Gluten free foods, special travel like a taxi as buses might be too stressful that day

An indoor clothes drier to stop damp 

collections of trains or magazines, comics etc 

Some people who dont understand autistim and will think that oh they are buying what they want not what they need, tut tut, they should not be buying that. 

What about the autistic that goes on the trains all day because they like it is sooths them. and then someone will say well if they ride trains all day let them work on the trains, but that autistic might be able to talk to people one day but then another day might be mute or unable to and could not work. 

yes there are autistics that can work, and those that work long term are ones that got lucky finding their job that is good for them for example they like action figures so work in a forbidden planet. and are okay with people as long as they are talking about the products. but others cannot cope with work at all. 

I feel that the government need to understand autism much more. No two autistic people are alike. 

What about the person who is has to pay for a private dentist because they dont like the building their local NHS dentists are in for example, and need to have the calm of a private dentist that understands . 

Some autistics might have to spend a fortune on a pair of shoes as they cannot wear cheaper ones for what ever reason (the way they feel etc) 

these are not all conditions or needs I have just listing how diverse we all are and why this new plan is not very nice. 

Because it is scary somehow, big brother is watching you type stuff. 

It also puts non-disabled people against disabled people they dont understand, they have never seen an autistic meltdown for example 


  • I too have read this. It is alarming and scary. 

    But - this is mostly pre-election rhetoric, aimed at gathering support from the far-right part of the electorate. In the event, it wouldn't be cost-effective to check or monitor the accounts of all people in receipt of disability benefits. I believe (happy to be corrected if I'm wrong) that the DWP can already do this, if they choose to, as they can also monitor social media accounts, in any case, so what would change? 

    The Tories are caught between a rock and a hard place, behind 8n the polls on one side and under pressure from Reform for the far right vote, so at this point, they'll say pretty much anything that might help them gain support.

  • I agree. It's fodder for their base. Or what's left of it.

  • Or what's left of it.

    Not much! JoyJoyJoy

    Well, we'd better hope they do go down, otherwise things will get worse.

  • Non-doms are absolutely not middle class. As soon as you start having enough money to benefit from tax avoidance and tax evasion, you're hitting that higher bracket that most middle class people could only hope to achieve. And also, did you not notice that the push to leave the EU only really ramped up when the EU brought in extensive tax avoidance legislation? If we'd stayed in the non-doms and co would have lost quite the little loop hole. 

    The Tories are potentially bringing in things that will impact some landlords, likely the small time ones, but you can bet that it'll be done in such a way that it'll still protect the landlords who have massive property portfolios and those that own farms, land etc. They're never going to bring something in that will impact their party donors.

    And yes, the Blairite era Labour were more centre leaning that previous Labour governments, but they were, and still are, centre left. Not right, or centre right like the Tories. There is a big ideological difference there, and it has practical implications for the society they govern.

    Having grown up through the tail end of Thatcher/Major, into Blair/Brown, and now the clown car of interchangeable Tory leaders, each more underwhelming than the last, I'm very well aware of the differences between the two parties. Yes, there is some common ground between them, because frankly they're not the polar opposites at each end of the political spectrum like communism and fascism, but the differences are very important.

  • Non-doms are absolutely not middle class. As soon as you start having enough money to benefit from tax avoidance and tax evasion, you're hitting that higher bracket that most middle class people could only hope to achieve. And also, did you not notice that the push to leave the EU only really ramped up when the EU brought in extensive tax avoidance legislation? If we'd stayed in the non-doms and co would have lost quite the little loop hole. 

    The Tories are potentially bringing in things that will impact some landlords, likely the small time ones, but you can bet that it'll be done in such a way that it'll still protect the landlords who have massive property portfolios and those that own farms, land etc. They're never going to bring something in that will impact their party donors.

    And yes, the Blairite era Labour were more centre leaning that previous Labour governments, but they were, and still are, centre left. Not right, or centre right like the Tories. There is a big ideological difference there, and it has practical implications for the society they govern.

    Having grown up through the tail end of Thatcher/Major, into Blair/Brown, and now the clown car of interchangeable Tory leaders, each more underwhelming than the last, I'm very well aware of the differences between the two parties. Yes, there is some common ground between them, because frankly they're not the polar opposites at each end of the political spectrum like communism and fascism, but the differences are very important.

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